Thursday, April 30, 2009

You've got to be kidding

Well readers, you all know I have openly confessed my love for reality TV here in my little blog, however sometimes I think it just gets stretched to far.

Prior to starting this little blog I had tried my hand out on one called Reality Bites----I watched a reality show and blogged about it following the episode---my first blog was about the new wave of "Love Connection" shows that are springing up every couple of months, mainly out of VH1.

As I was reviewing my tweets this morning I stumbled across a tweet from AfterEllen and had a good laugh right here in the middle of my office.

VH1 started out with a rather commercial rendition on love shows when they premiered Flavor of Love---really who would want to fall in love with that?---didn't he do a behind the scenes special where he cashed a well-fare check? Then it was a huge snow ball effect from there, not only did we get a season 2 out of it but then we met the lovely New York who had her two shows trying to find love, then another trying to find a job....The list continues my friends, and it only gets cheesier and more corrupt from there.

Out of no where came a tiny female who was searching for "A Shot At Love" the twist she was bi-sexual---We were introduced to Tila Tequila and from there became hooked (lets face it open hot lesbian make outs on prime time television is a reason to watch for anyone) of course in the end stupid Tila picked a guy, in stead of cute, nice, and personable Dani (female) she then of course gets a second round at it and AGAIN picks wrong and chooses the guy---Seriously Lisa was H-O-T-T.

Continuing on in true VH1 fashion (I mean they have got to be getting ratings they keep making more right?) We get Brett Michaels, we all know him, we all loved him (those of us that grew up to our moms listening to hair bands like myself) he decides he wants to find his Rock-of-Love...well folks he gets three swings at it, the final one ending on a tour bus, and ding ding ding, one of his rejects gets her own show, which I will let you know I will NOT watch.

Now that I've digressed far to much, back to the AfterEllen Tweet----Now I feel that VH1 may have hit rock bottom. They have offered to do another spin-off of "A Shot at Love" and this time make it based around a HUGE MTV has-been Aubrey O'Day. Lets face it lady, if Diddy doesn't want you leave the business. I think that the AfterEllen blog pretty much covered the bases as to why she is doing this show, she needs another 15 minutes of fame. I just can't understand how someone who was talented and humble in the beginning became so far out there.

I'm not sure that I can really recommend this show to anyone to watch, so instead this is my time to warn you about a horrible upcoming bit of reality that people will try to get us to watch. Lets not and say we did, we all know we can catch the gossip on the blogs and twitter...I'm hoping that the ratings go down and we are no longer going to be exposed to this kinda desperate behavior at becoming the next big thing.


TheWeyrd1 said...

O'Day turned them down...heh.

Jdancer8 said...