Wednesday, April 29, 2009's coming to an end

Sadly my friends my favorite Bravo series is coming to an end soon. Real Housewives of NYC will be airing its last episode this season next week and of course its said to be jammed packed with drama....and then of course there is the reunion special....coming soon

Being extra interested in expanding my knowledge of social media and also online facets of entertainment information I became extremely involved in Twitter, and of course the reading of other blogs. . . . Among those blogs I have become hooked on Jill Zarin's from RHWoNYC and Bethenny Frankel (same show) They are funny and witty , and I enjoy reading their reactions to each of the episodes as they air. I also follow them on Twitter and love hearing all the interesting things they are doing.

When I got home today after spending way to much at the local grocery store (yes its cheaper to shop at Walmart in Madison but that would mean I have to tackle the Beltline on a day that I don't need to go on it so I opted for the over priced store here in town) I got all my house duties done and curled up on the couch with the kitties and snapped on Bravo to YESSSS catch the latest episode which I missed on Tuesday...

In a nutshell this episode I have to say was the most we really care about Alex & Simon's renovation...was I the only one that noticed the only people who were there was the other cast members?-----Then there is awkward and (why is she on the show again) Kelly interaction...she shows up early (was this because she wanted to redeem herself from her extremely late arrival to her own party from the last episode?) and acts as if she really cares about Alex & Simon.

Any who---the real issue this episode is will Bethenny (my home girl) and Kelly ever get along. The answer is NO. Kelly really shows how immature she is when she clearly denies saying RUDE things to Bethenny (ummm hello they have footage of what you said you ignoramus) Its funny to watch how these women behave...but we have to be honest viewers as much as we think its immature and yet funny, we all act this way---they just have a camera crew to tape every moment of their lives.

I like this show, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Its fun to watch other people have problems, but I have to say its also fun because we've had the chance to watch other people be successful...Bethenny Frankels book NaturallyThin is still on NYC bestsellers list and we've really watched her company and entrepreneurial investments pay off. It is showing that hard work can pay off....and shes being advertising for a show your getting paid to do---wise and learn folks.

She's not the only one who is cashing in. Jill's definitely got lots of airtime for her and her husbands fabric business ZarinFabrics, Jeana from the OC cast is selling diet stuff, Ramona from NYC is selling Jewelery, The Countess a book for her there anything these women can't sell? I think I'm in the wrong business....I just need to convince Bravo to do Real Housewives of the Midwest-----who wants to help me write my pitch ?

Well anyway, if you haven't had the chance to get to know the Bravo ladies of RHWoNYC there will be a marathon on Saturday so catch up on them...come on you know you want to escape your why not indulge and maybe get lost in someone else's.....

Hope you all have a great rest of the week....Busy month coming recital, nannies surgery, Tami's wedding---then comes summer :o)


TheWeyrd1 said...

Rolling my eyeballs... Of course, that's pot meeting the kettle, since I'm obsessed with a soap opera right now...heh.

Jdancer8 said...

you have a point there,,,,can't really roll those eyes---soap operas are just as bad..tsk tsk