Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Guilty pleasure that I enjoy

As many of you know I have a very serious addiction to reality TV...many of my readers including my editor (cough cough do not quit) do not like reality TV...but my friends what a better way to escape from the hustle and bustle of our real lives then watch as other display their "real lives" on national TV?

I have to say there is a wide variety of them out there from modern day love connection shows, to weight loss shows, dance competitions, cooking competitions...you name it its out there...I will be trying to comment on many of them through out my blogging extravaganzas but you will notice the shows that I care for more or find more entertaining will be mentioned more then once.

I have to tell you that one lazy day as the snow fell outside my little WI apartment window I flicked to bravo and saw a TV show called The Real Housewives of Orange County...in true and absolute boredom I watched the entire marathon..I met the wives (characters) and got engrossed with their "real" lives...I laughed at their petty hardships and also their often anti-climatic fights. I welcome you to learn their stories at the Bravo Website.

Well as my days pass by I find myself being addicted to this little series that bravo has created and found that I truly like the NYC edition of this show. The ladies are funny, dramatic, and remind me obviously of my roots (as I am east "coastie" as my cheese head friends are now referring to me as) Jill and Bethenny remind me of me and an old friend, and I can relate to their characters ( I wish I could relate to their bank accounts) I have enjoyed this particular addition to the Bravo series so much that I have begun following the blogs of both Jill and Bethenny and offer them to you for review. Jillsblog is here please check it out. Shes hilarious opinionated and I enjoy her rants about the happenings of the show during her live blog. Bethenny caught my attention with her skinny girl margarita ( a girl after my own hear to create a cocktail line for those watching their figure) Bethenny is a character and I love her--she is out-spoken and loves attention :o) I love her book (yes I bought it) and I think others should check out her amazing recipes at her Website

Needless to say I have to give the Real Housewives a couple of stars on my reality show to watch meter...

However I have to say I don't really know if I'm going to enjoy the New Jersey series---its just gonna be a bunch of ladies wishing they lived in NYC (my personal opinion)

Well now that I've given you a minor, (extremely minor) run down on the different types of shows I'll be reviewing I hope you come back and really help me decipher reflections from reality on a weekly basis :o)


TheWeyrd1 said...

Sigh...seriously, do I HAVE to? I only watched Survivor the two times Ami Cusack was on it, because she's a friend...sorta. And I only watch Dancing with the Stars when I'm visiting my mom...

Jdancer8 said...

yes you have to--end of story---good day