Friday, April 3, 2009

A Change In Pace----Makes work a happy place

As many of you know---I had a boss....this boss was poisoness---she was a horrible manager--with a lack for detail, communication skills, and of course a horrible lack of business sense...

Once upon a time I searched daily the online job markets searching for the opportunity to leave the job I had, anything would be better then the stress and horrible working conditions between supervisors I endured everyday as the days creeped by and I suffered from slight anxiety about walking into my office...And one day after the 500Th resume was emailed out I received a phone call for an interview. I was pumped...SCORE an opportunity to flee....My friend, and partner in crime was leaving the company and this interview came at just the perfect time...

Needless to say excited about the interview I entered our weekly staff meeting only to hear that Julie--the boss with no clue was leaving. Was this a joke, could it be true...this is amazing GREAT I go to the interview?---You bet I did...never miss an least try and see if it was meant to be.

I went to the interview, however did not get the job. I am a true and firm believer that everything does happen for a reason and let me tell you the changes that took place finally made the company that I have really put my heart and soul into come alive. We've completely begun moving forward . We got a new VP who is laid back, yet professional, educated---and willing to educate...and also very life is GREAT!!!! Finally a normal working atmosphere....


Things have moved right along at the dance studio---I am meeting with the owner/director and will be possibly begin a full time salaried position with the dance company---all good things come to those who wait...there was definitely a reason that I did not get the other job that I interviewed with...Things have begun really going for me...I'm happy, I'm creative...and I feel confident in what I spend my time doing everyday....Keep your fingers crossed for a full time dance position---for then I will be truly living my dream :o)


TheWeyrd1 said...

YAY!!! Of course you WILL keep me

yenbar said...

It's nice to hear that things are getting better at is horrible to walk into work everyday and to dread being there..and who knows, soon you may have something even better to rise and shine for each day!'s good to have you back posting again..keep us informed of how the new job may work out!

yenbar said...

It's nice to hear that things are getting better at is horrible to walk into work everyday and to dread being there..and who knows, soon you may have something even better to rise and shine for each day!'s good to have you back posting again..keep us informed of how the new job may work out!