Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a Finale

Well readers, last night I sadly watched the season Finale of RHWo NYC. It was full of Drama and actually suprised me a little.

For any of you who may be familair with the show, all season we were gearing up for Jill Zarins fundraiser for her daughters athritis cause Creakyjoints and last night we got to see the hard work pay off. BUT (yes there is a but come on its reality tv we're talking about here people) before we get to see all the hard work pay off we have to be indudlged with our weekly dose of housewife drama.

It strikes me funny how much these women truely believe that they do what they do out of the kindess of their hearts. I mean, I'm not dissing my girls (I would never do that) but seriously most of the time that the wealthy do charity events is becasue it in some way brings a benefit to them, (the saying is true nothing in this world is free) So when the scene at Jill's apartment came on and Romona (the little wine-o) flips on Jill because of a "Step and Repeat" (for those of you including myself who don't know, a step and repeat is the area outside those big flashy events where companys have logos on it for stars and attendees to have their pictures taken in front of.) Anywho, Wine-o decides that she will take the ettiquette and class police hat away from from the countess (yes there is a countess on this show no lie) and tell Jill that if Jill puts her husbands fabric business on the step and repeat its tacky....Really people I'm pretty sure that all of america didn't know what a flippin step and repeat was until this episode and now we will forever know and wonder how much money people actually paid to have their logos behind the stars at events. Eventually the fued dies down and we move on (in true howsewife fasion)

Then we cut to the actual set up of the event where supringly Wine-o is there to help as much as she can, which includes flipping out again about sineage---is this all she has to do? push Jill's buttons and get her going---I think that was the whole purpose to her pointing out that in back of the bar that Bethenny got donated for this event were advertisements for the liquor company supplying the booze and also her company from which the booze was coming from. Romona again gets back on her high horse and begins to bitch about advertisement space...really is this really happening? Bethenny and that company gave a bar worth $25K for free--dontated...i think they should be able to advertise a little dont you think? I was disapointed that this event was being cast under a dark cloud of what is right and what is wrong by someone who is so out of control when it comes to her own tongue (again I'm referecning Romona the Wine-o) that I feel this was her only time to be a star this season. So she decided to flaunt it and really just be the rain on the fundraisers parade.

Well skipping ahead to the event ( cause in between lame-o scenes happen in between) we see Bethenny who is advised of the little Romona tyraid that she produced again because of someone elses advertisement at the event decides to confront Jill as she was told Jill was "talking behind her back" it was quite supsenful..really were my two favorite ladies going to fight and have outs at this event, all because the evil my friends, they quickly made up as true girlfriends do and moved on with the event. Jill raised tons of money I believe the grand total was over $100,000.00 for creakyjoints and she proceeded to thank everyone that helped which was very humble of her too.

This season was full of suprises and of course good old fashion girl drama. The thing I have to say that I like about the NY housewives is they are rather opinionated right to each others faces. Some one who never had seen the show would be clearly and utterly confused if they only watched one episode, cause like a day in new england where you can get all four seasons in one day, the real housewives moods and friendships change in a matter of seconds----perhaps its an east coast thing. But one thing doesn't change, they always support each other and always are rather bluntly honest. I like them and applaud them for that.

Now the other Bravo housewives...they dont have as much respect as I have for the NY cast...NJ has some big shoes to fill we'll see if they can do it, but as described in an earlier blog about them they are all family so it could get interesting to see what happens to the couple of housewives who aren't.

As this season on NY ends I anxiously await the reunion special cause its always fun to see a couple more cat fights go down---which from reading cast members blogs on bravo has shown it will be full of juice, nasty looks, and about 40 of Kelly's STOP STOP STOP rants (shes so lame) I'm sure Bravo will have another marathon this weekend gearing up for the reunion so if you find yourself with some down time, sit back relax and get lost in the reality of some Housewives from NYC>

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