Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When you work hard----

Well readers, I'm taking a moment to kinda of stray from my reality show rants and just rant for a second about something that had me really heated the other night.

Actually I'm sure I can tie it into my reality show addiction so here ya go. A couple episodes ago on RHWoNYC Jill was interviewed by a British news station regarding the economy and they questioned her decisions to purchase and redo her apartment when the economy is in a recession and in true Jill fashion she answered politically and may I ad poetically. She simply smiled and said I work hard for what I have and remember to give back when I can. She also stated that they are living within their means, their family works hard and enjoys the fruits of their labors. That is commendable for anyone right now in these tough economic times.

Now I don't consider myself wealthy or rich, but I am lucky. I have two jobs which produce a very steady and lucrative income, my wife has a steady job and we live in a very reasonably priced rented apartment. Why rent you say? Because we haven't found our dream house yet, because we don't know exactly what we want or where we want to live so we stay in a place that suits our needs and also allows us to save money elsewhere. Our apartment is just over 1100 sq feet we have a two car garage and the utilities are low. We can't complain. One of our cars is paid off and we have no debt besides student loans and one car payment. That is pretty well for such a young couple.

Well the other night my wife was speaking with an old friend via instant messenger and they were talking about coach bags, for those of you that know me---that is my weakness shoes and handbags. I like them, I like to shop for them, and I save for them. Anyway, the friend began questioning my wife if she had any Coach bags and April replied yes we have a lot of them. Jessica likes them so I buy them for her often or shes buys them for me or herself. (Between the both of us we have nine) I like to switch them up and keep them in good shape, and I also like to have a choice when it comes to my accessories.

To continue...Maria (that is the friend) asked April where we got them? April said the Coach outlet. Jessica likes her bags but refuses to pay full price for them (come on I am a bargain shopper folks) Maria proceeded to ask more questions about the handbags, as to why she couldn't find the ones we had on the Coach website. Clearly this individual is not fashionably sound as like clothes handbags go through collections and seasons as well as designs. Most of mine are previous collections and you can tell by the colors (for instance my red hobo for the holidays) any way she then was like I bet you bought them from a foreigner outside Wal-mart didn't you guys? April got upset and so did I, we didn't do that nor would I want to, why waste money on anything that will fall apart. These bags cost money but they DONT fall apart they are well crafted and made of leather.

Needless to say this Maria character hit a hot button. Then she began to ask April how we could afford that and it must be nice to spend over $100.00 dollars on a handbag.

My is nice. I work hard for what I have. I pay for my own living costs, I have a car that is paid for, I have an education that is paid for, and yes I have designer bags that I have paid for. Its not a crime to have nice things. The handbags are not put on credit cards, they are not bought with money that I do not have. We work hard and the extra money that we do have allows us to indulge in things we enjoy. We have large savings that is there when we need it and I have a nice purse to put my big hefty check book in.

I would like to say to this Maria character, that Jealousy is a Sickness...get well soon. In today's world we need to be thankful for the little things, but I also see myself as a lucky person to have two jobs when there are people who do not have one. However I have also created a savings for myself should I find myself without one. Its all about planning. We have to be thankful for what we have, but I refuse to be ashamed of what I am able to purchase for myself either. I work to hard and have worked to hard to have what I have and be able to do what I do.

I am a true believer in what my home girl Jill said from RHWoNYC you have to live within your means and we are. April and I are living within our means. There will come a time after we purchase a house that I will not have the ability to buy nice things all the time for myself but I have that ability now, and the ability to save as well. I am grateful for all that I have but also know that I am proud that I can have what I have and do what I do for other people.

I look at it like this, Life is good, Work Hard, Play even harder. It all pays off---when you work hard.


TheWeyrd1 said...

Of course, a splurge now and then is a good thing. Course, as your unofficial financial guru, I must remind you to save in a retirement account and an emergency fun...heh.

Jdancer8 said...

Of course splurging is ok on occasion just dont make it a habbit I'm all for that. The emergency fund I have its the retirement account I need to get on.