Well readers its been a while since you've been updated and I guess you could say a lot has happened. This July the wife and I had our long awaited vacation to Myrtle Beach planned. 10 days before we were to leave the airline cancelled our charter flight, no reason but "they can" and they would be refunding my trip in full in 10 to 14 business days (it took 16 days actually) So I was beyond upset about the cancellation, but it was decided, suck it up and make it a fun little road trip. So the plans were in motion for us to be driving to Myrtle Beach. I busted my butt the final few days at work to make sure that all payroll was processed and completed before my departure including quarterly payroll tax returns. Well I arrived at work on my last day before vacation time at my usually 730 am to make sure I get enough time in and I was met at the door by the two VP's . Ms. Mary and Mr. Mark. they stopped me before I could even reach my office.
Well they then asked me to enter the conference room and they stood on one side of the table and looked to the corner behind me where I followed their glance and realized that my personal belongings had been packed. Well I looked back at them and asked bluntly "am I fired?" Mary nodded her head in agreement and Mark couldn't even look at me. So I said may I ask why, and Mary responded "I am not at liberty to discuss that with you" I then asked if I would get my vacation pay and she stated yes. I then grabbed my boxes and headed out the door. I couldn't believe this. What had I done? Should I still go on vacation? What am I gonna do? the questions were racing through my mind and the whole time I was shaking.
After digesting the initial shock of this news I became of course bitter as I had done nothing, I called my dance boss right away and she listened to me and offered advice. She said I would be find and we'd be sure to get me something. She really helped calm my nerves. She also said you NEED to go on your vacation so I did. I enjoyed 8 glorious days in the sun with friends and was so proud that we saved our money from the wedding because the trip really didn't cost us any money.
The moment I returned I filed for unemployment and began the job hunt for something part time. I began to realize that this was truly a blessing in disguise because I was not treated fairly at that company at all. For almost two years I was overworked and underpaid.
Well when I returned I went to the computer to see if my final paycheck was direct deposited and it turns out that it wasn't so immediately I called the office to see what the problem was and was told that no one got their money direct deposited and that we would be getting physical checks. So I stated I would pick up the check. Apparently they had hired someone to start the day I left. The company is beyond corrupt and the three people running the company are the masterminds behind it all.
I don't regret the time I spent there because I did good work in a timely manner and I knew what I was doing. There is nothing in my p-file to state otherwise. But who knows what they could falsify up and put in there.
At the end of the day I am free. I am free from dealing with the bullshit that that company put me through. Putting my professional judgment in jeopardy as well as making me work for what a secretary should be paid. I am happy. My attitude is amazing and life is fine. Yes money is tight yes I will miss the money that was made but this too shall pass and I am FREEE from that horrible place.
Ok now...back to some tarot reading.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Birthday Approaches
Well Folks, I am on the eve of my 27th birthday----yup I can't believe it either. I am excited because I'm looking at it as a new beginning another year ready to make the best of it. I have so much to look forward to. Next week we have dance camp and I'm so excited to start working with the students I really can't wait. Then we have girls weekend away with two of my most favorite ladies around!!!!
Its funny in my last post I made large comments about choosing your good thoughts and my friends its amazing how trying to stay positive really just make life seem ok. I haven't found another part time job yet but I'm thinking the right one just isn't ready to find me yet. It will come in time.
I am sitting at home in front of my lap top and large pad of paper trying to get some choreography set for dance camp next week and I think I'm to excited about my birthday to do it. I feel like a little kid you know getting excited before Christmas or a big vacation.
No huge plans for this birthday, just an early afternoon massage then dinner with some great friends. This may be my first actual birthday party ever...having summer birthday's is often hard because of every ones crazy schedules.
I hope everyone had a great week and they are soaking up the sun as much as they can as the summers end is rapidly approaching.
Until next time readers-----
Its funny in my last post I made large comments about choosing your good thoughts and my friends its amazing how trying to stay positive really just make life seem ok. I haven't found another part time job yet but I'm thinking the right one just isn't ready to find me yet. It will come in time.
I am sitting at home in front of my lap top and large pad of paper trying to get some choreography set for dance camp next week and I think I'm to excited about my birthday to do it. I feel like a little kid you know getting excited before Christmas or a big vacation.
No huge plans for this birthday, just an early afternoon massage then dinner with some great friends. This may be my first actual birthday party ever...having summer birthday's is often hard because of every ones crazy schedules.
I hope everyone had a great week and they are soaking up the sun as much as they can as the summers end is rapidly approaching.
Until next time readers-----
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thoughts Become Things Choose the Good Ones
Well my readers, its been a while since I have last written and alas I don't have witty comments or feedback on any reality shows to share with you. But I do have lots of personal news to update.
As I write right now I am watching a video titled the secret. I'm pretty sure you might have heard of the book, and yes there is a video of it too. A good friends husband suggested that I watch it and I can't think of a better time for me to be reminded of all of these positive thinking and affirmations.
I went on vacation last week to my most favorite place in this country, Myrtle Beach. I got to see one of my best friends in the whole world and just escape from the realities that I had been dealing with here in cheese land. Well the day before I was to leave on vacation I walked into my horrible office job and was fired on the spot. I was not given a reason and I was not given a chance to even pack up my personals for myself it was done for me. I had seen this coming and thought about it for about two weeks before it happened. I put it out there to the universe that they would let me go and guess what folks it happened.
I shook and was outraged at first, I wasn't even given a reason, they told me they were not at liberty to discuss that with me. I was so upset, should I not go on vacation now, what was I going to do. I didn't have time to plan for this happening. But my friends this awful news truly was a blessing in disguise. I made a pro and con list of that company and I was definitely shocked at the length of the con list. Staying in a piousness atmosphere not only effected me at the job but in my home life, my creative life, and just all around me life. It was terrible. I will not air the company's dirty laundry on this blog because I don't think that the blog would support the length in which that type of blog would need to be to include all the details. Long story short I fretted for about 5 hours after I got home about it and then realized you know what Jessica Marie, you hated that job, you complained daily at the job off the job. It was not worth it. I became a bitter and high strung person (if that is possible considering I'm pretty high strung by myself) And during vacation I didn't worry about it one second.
Today as I sat down to watch the secret I realized that I am so much happier. I literally sat down at my desk and whipped out three great sketches for the sets for my musical theatre company piece I'm doing. I had been meaning to do it for weeks. I just didn't have the spark or the drive to do it. I would sit down to do it and get distracted or feel that I had millions of other things I had to do. I also whipped out another whole class of lesson plans. ONE WHOLE YEAR of them. It just flowed out. I think that eliminating that negativity and poison from my life made me enjoy the day a little more.
I am not stressing that if I had to go to the office to do the payroll and catch up from being gone for so long. I am just so relieved. Tomorrow I get to go to an interview, and spend the rest of the day at the farm with my wife which is going to be great.
I really am feeling optimistic about the future. I always thought it was necessary to have a desk job and benefits and not pursue what makes me happy. Knowing that I am teaching so much more and have the ability and option to just relax a little. Its an amazing feeling. and the best part is I have friends that are so there for me that they have been sending job opportunities my way and of course the support that helps me get through the day. Tami and Jeni have been so great to me and my April too of course its amazing to feel so supported in a time where you feel down and upset. I believe that I am feeling so confident and at ease because they have helped me feel this way.
My friends and readers please take some time to just look at your life and what you think about each day. A wise boss of mine once told me the quote that "thoughts become things, choose the good ones" I have to admit that for song I allowed myself to choose the bad ones and the negative ones. I tell my grandma everyday that you have to stay positive and fight her cancer, well even if its just the thoughts its still the positiveness in which she attacks each day that will get her through the day. I think we all have to keep that in mind its important. So I challenge you to this. Choose one good thought a day. And as the weeks go on add more and more. I would love to hear about every ones positive thoughts. Now I'm not saying that automatically your life will be negative-free or you wont have obstacles to climb. Its how we face those obstacles and attack them. So lets attack them together with positive thoughts and actions.
As I write right now I am watching a video titled the secret. I'm pretty sure you might have heard of the book, and yes there is a video of it too. A good friends husband suggested that I watch it and I can't think of a better time for me to be reminded of all of these positive thinking and affirmations.
I went on vacation last week to my most favorite place in this country, Myrtle Beach. I got to see one of my best friends in the whole world and just escape from the realities that I had been dealing with here in cheese land. Well the day before I was to leave on vacation I walked into my horrible office job and was fired on the spot. I was not given a reason and I was not given a chance to even pack up my personals for myself it was done for me. I had seen this coming and thought about it for about two weeks before it happened. I put it out there to the universe that they would let me go and guess what folks it happened.
I shook and was outraged at first, I wasn't even given a reason, they told me they were not at liberty to discuss that with me. I was so upset, should I not go on vacation now, what was I going to do. I didn't have time to plan for this happening. But my friends this awful news truly was a blessing in disguise. I made a pro and con list of that company and I was definitely shocked at the length of the con list. Staying in a piousness atmosphere not only effected me at the job but in my home life, my creative life, and just all around me life. It was terrible. I will not air the company's dirty laundry on this blog because I don't think that the blog would support the length in which that type of blog would need to be to include all the details. Long story short I fretted for about 5 hours after I got home about it and then realized you know what Jessica Marie, you hated that job, you complained daily at the job off the job. It was not worth it. I became a bitter and high strung person (if that is possible considering I'm pretty high strung by myself) And during vacation I didn't worry about it one second.
Today as I sat down to watch the secret I realized that I am so much happier. I literally sat down at my desk and whipped out three great sketches for the sets for my musical theatre company piece I'm doing. I had been meaning to do it for weeks. I just didn't have the spark or the drive to do it. I would sit down to do it and get distracted or feel that I had millions of other things I had to do. I also whipped out another whole class of lesson plans. ONE WHOLE YEAR of them. It just flowed out. I think that eliminating that negativity and poison from my life made me enjoy the day a little more.
I am not stressing that if I had to go to the office to do the payroll and catch up from being gone for so long. I am just so relieved. Tomorrow I get to go to an interview, and spend the rest of the day at the farm with my wife which is going to be great.
I really am feeling optimistic about the future. I always thought it was necessary to have a desk job and benefits and not pursue what makes me happy. Knowing that I am teaching so much more and have the ability and option to just relax a little. Its an amazing feeling. and the best part is I have friends that are so there for me that they have been sending job opportunities my way and of course the support that helps me get through the day. Tami and Jeni have been so great to me and my April too of course its amazing to feel so supported in a time where you feel down and upset. I believe that I am feeling so confident and at ease because they have helped me feel this way.
My friends and readers please take some time to just look at your life and what you think about each day. A wise boss of mine once told me the quote that "thoughts become things, choose the good ones" I have to admit that for song I allowed myself to choose the bad ones and the negative ones. I tell my grandma everyday that you have to stay positive and fight her cancer, well even if its just the thoughts its still the positiveness in which she attacks each day that will get her through the day. I think we all have to keep that in mind its important. So I challenge you to this. Choose one good thought a day. And as the weeks go on add more and more. I would love to hear about every ones positive thoughts. Now I'm not saying that automatically your life will be negative-free or you wont have obstacles to climb. Its how we face those obstacles and attack them. So lets attack them together with positive thoughts and actions.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Season Finale of New Jersey Housewives
Hello my faithful readers.
It has been some time since I last blogged, I've been quite busy dancing away and really enjoying the summer. We had a successful inter-session with our dancers and Ms. Jeni and I had a lot of fun taking each others classes and working together. Let me tell you no one should EVER stop taking a ballet class, I have never been in more shape then I was when I took almost three classes a week and getting back into it really helped my body realize what it was missing...
any way back to our ladies in New Jersey.
Although I had my doubts about this season I have to say I'm just as hooked as I ever could be with my New York ladies (of course they will always be my number one gals). This season finale left no stone unturned. Its hard to really hold any suspense in whats gonna happen because they did keep showing previews all week to lead up to its airing but I mean it was still pretty entertaining.
Of course in the first few scenes we got to see Theresa's beautiful new house. I can't wait to see it fully furnished. Its absolutely gorgeous and if I had her kinda money I would deck out my house that same way. If your gonna spend the money make it exactly what you will want forever. I envy her I really do. Caroline shows us her big mean German Shepard who will pretty much kill any intruder it is instructed to kill. Good kinda dog to have around I guess. (come on we all know their families aren't just "hard workers" protection is always a good thing, at least they are doing it in the form of a dog who will provide companionship and not just a gun )
Danielle---when she appears whats she doing talking about that stupid book...for all who don't know one of the housewives had herself mentioned in a book which revealed some devious past she had, apparently it spread "all around town" (hello its all over America now idiot) and showing her daughters her old modeling pictures. I have to say that the scenes with the kids are just a little to staged...and it shows. The kids don't want to be on TV looking at their mothers freaking old modeling pictures. If Danielle was such a good model and actress why doesn't she call her "contacts" and get herself some work to support her family instead of looking for a poor rich sap to support her and her daughters...we may never know.
Dina, I absolutely love her. There is a scene where she and her daughter are cleaning the daughters room and it just makes me laugh because it reminds me of me and my mother cleaning out all my old "little kid stuff' when I was Lexi's (that's her daughters name) ages.
Down to the good stuff. Theresa wants to host a dinner for the ladies and invites everyone despite the obvious hostile environment that is created around Danielle and this book (FYI Danielle has been stating that poor Dina was showing the book all over town) Anyway at a gorgeous dinner that Theresa and her family host for everyone Danielle brings out the book....come on this was planned just wanted to show it off again obviously. As Jill Zarin (one of my favorite NYC ladies) mentioned on her blog, if she wanted it to be that big of a secret don't you think she should have blacked out the title nope. It flashed again and again and again on the big screen throughout the whole episode, and will for every re-run.
Anyway everyone begins an all out war at the table, pinning friend against friend, and family against family. Its nasty and I'm shocked that these adult women let this one person and their nasty past effect their lives so much, I think that Jacqueline's husband said it best to let it go and just be thankful for their health and the ability to enjoy a beautiful dinner. However of course Danielle couldn't drop it and pissed innocent quiet Theresa off to the point where she flipped a table and officially burst a vein I think...she better watch out for those new bubbies or she could have burst one.
My advise for these ladies VOTE DANIELLE OFF the island.....I'm sure that more juicy gossip will come out at the reunion. I feel that they may get a second season. I know that Jacqueline and Theresa are expecting new babies and I'm thinking that they will definitely want to continue this saga a little further.
I love Bravo and all their cheesy reality TV they create for me to get lost in. I am so happy that Kathy Griffin my life on the D-list is back, and I hear there is some new show about spoiled brats that go to prep schools is starting...yaaay more for me to get lost in and forget the world of my reality for a while.
have to let you know (sorry this is so lengthy) that My Nannie had her surgery and its been a definite roller coaster through the healing. She went into the ICU the other day and had two liters (yes I said liters folks a bottle of soda) of fluid drained from her lungs, she goes home tomorrow then starts more chemo on Thursday. Aprils grandma hasn't been doing well and has an obstructed bowel and will be going through surgery tomorrow afternoon. As if these women don't have enough issues they make us worry at the same time....tsk tsk.
Summer Session starts soon for dance, until then I will begin my choreography for that and of course the company pieces I will be doing. I'm really excited for both and promise to blog later this week to share the details.
Until then my dears enjoy the rest of the week, sit back and watch some reality TV...don't forget So You Think You Can Dance is on now....so enjoy I'd love to hear about your escape shows as well (o:
It has been some time since I last blogged, I've been quite busy dancing away and really enjoying the summer. We had a successful inter-session with our dancers and Ms. Jeni and I had a lot of fun taking each others classes and working together. Let me tell you no one should EVER stop taking a ballet class, I have never been in more shape then I was when I took almost three classes a week and getting back into it really helped my body realize what it was missing...
any way back to our ladies in New Jersey.
Although I had my doubts about this season I have to say I'm just as hooked as I ever could be with my New York ladies (of course they will always be my number one gals). This season finale left no stone unturned. Its hard to really hold any suspense in whats gonna happen because they did keep showing previews all week to lead up to its airing but I mean it was still pretty entertaining.
Of course in the first few scenes we got to see Theresa's beautiful new house. I can't wait to see it fully furnished. Its absolutely gorgeous and if I had her kinda money I would deck out my house that same way. If your gonna spend the money make it exactly what you will want forever. I envy her I really do. Caroline shows us her big mean German Shepard who will pretty much kill any intruder it is instructed to kill. Good kinda dog to have around I guess. (come on we all know their families aren't just "hard workers" protection is always a good thing, at least they are doing it in the form of a dog who will provide companionship and not just a gun )
Danielle---when she appears whats she doing talking about that stupid book...for all who don't know one of the housewives had herself mentioned in a book which revealed some devious past she had, apparently it spread "all around town" (hello its all over America now idiot) and showing her daughters her old modeling pictures. I have to say that the scenes with the kids are just a little to staged...and it shows. The kids don't want to be on TV looking at their mothers freaking old modeling pictures. If Danielle was such a good model and actress why doesn't she call her "contacts" and get herself some work to support her family instead of looking for a poor rich sap to support her and her daughters...we may never know.
Dina, I absolutely love her. There is a scene where she and her daughter are cleaning the daughters room and it just makes me laugh because it reminds me of me and my mother cleaning out all my old "little kid stuff' when I was Lexi's (that's her daughters name) ages.
Down to the good stuff. Theresa wants to host a dinner for the ladies and invites everyone despite the obvious hostile environment that is created around Danielle and this book (FYI Danielle has been stating that poor Dina was showing the book all over town) Anyway at a gorgeous dinner that Theresa and her family host for everyone Danielle brings out the book....come on this was planned just wanted to show it off again obviously. As Jill Zarin (one of my favorite NYC ladies) mentioned on her blog, if she wanted it to be that big of a secret don't you think she should have blacked out the title nope. It flashed again and again and again on the big screen throughout the whole episode, and will for every re-run.
Anyway everyone begins an all out war at the table, pinning friend against friend, and family against family. Its nasty and I'm shocked that these adult women let this one person and their nasty past effect their lives so much, I think that Jacqueline's husband said it best to let it go and just be thankful for their health and the ability to enjoy a beautiful dinner. However of course Danielle couldn't drop it and pissed innocent quiet Theresa off to the point where she flipped a table and officially burst a vein I think...she better watch out for those new bubbies or she could have burst one.
My advise for these ladies VOTE DANIELLE OFF the island.....I'm sure that more juicy gossip will come out at the reunion. I feel that they may get a second season. I know that Jacqueline and Theresa are expecting new babies and I'm thinking that they will definitely want to continue this saga a little further.
I love Bravo and all their cheesy reality TV they create for me to get lost in. I am so happy that Kathy Griffin my life on the D-list is back, and I hear there is some new show about spoiled brats that go to prep schools is starting...yaaay more for me to get lost in and forget the world of my reality for a while.
have to let you know (sorry this is so lengthy) that My Nannie had her surgery and its been a definite roller coaster through the healing. She went into the ICU the other day and had two liters (yes I said liters folks a bottle of soda) of fluid drained from her lungs, she goes home tomorrow then starts more chemo on Thursday. Aprils grandma hasn't been doing well and has an obstructed bowel and will be going through surgery tomorrow afternoon. As if these women don't have enough issues they make us worry at the same time....tsk tsk.
Summer Session starts soon for dance, until then I will begin my choreography for that and of course the company pieces I will be doing. I'm really excited for both and promise to blog later this week to share the details.
Until then my dears enjoy the rest of the week, sit back and watch some reality TV...don't forget So You Think You Can Dance is on now....so enjoy I'd love to hear about your escape shows as well (o:
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Can't get any easier---
Happy Saturday evening readers. Today we had our morning performance show dress rehearsal at the dance studio with all of our younger students. I have to tell you how absolutely adorable it is to see our young dancers so proud of their costumes and ready to perform. Putting the costumes on really enhances their dancing and their stage presence.
I have to say that during my ten odd years of teaching dance I have never seen a more organized rehearsal. Everything is planned out and the parents are so informed that it would be hard for any detail to be overlook....that of course except for the parents who choose to ignore the obvious and who haven't in their 30-some odd years learned to read and really plan.
Back in November we handed out a very detailed information package to all our students which clearly outlined every rehearsal what the students needed to bring, where they needed to be and when....yet there was s till the students who arrived late, un-prepared, or not even at all.
We as instructors go over numerous times with our students, and the parents what is needed etc. This studio is so organized they even hand out a sheet to their students which explains exactly what needs to be done for the hair and make-up of each student for each dance, however you would be surprised how many people came with hair that was not correct, forgotten accessories, and the best---no make up at all. But in the true organized fashion we teachers and the awesome front desk managers got each student ready in time and had a pretty successful rehearsal.
I guess my real point in this rant is that I really don't understand how any detail could be over looked, and I'm surprised that people who are given so much information really don't utilize what they are given. I wish that when I was young I had all the information ready for me for performances. I feel that these students really get a full experience from us as far as education in dance and performance. I am proud to be a part of the faculty at AStepAbove and feel that my skills as a teacher have been enhanced by working there.
I have to say also a little rant that we even give our students written evaluations each year which help them understand their strengths and areas that need additional work and focus. This assists the students in understanding their accomplishments and also assists in them setting their goals. However like anything positive we try to provide from our students there are always parents and students who feel that something is "unfair" or "incorrect" what these complaining persons fail to understand is that all of us who teach at ASA are dance degreed individuals who have dedicated their college education and careers to teaching dance and are extremely competent in all that we do.
I had a negative experience with my Hip Hop class on Friday. As when our students receive their evaluations they also receive their "placement" for next year---meaning which level they will be in. Well I had some unhappy students as they were not moved up to the next level. Technically and ability wise they are not ready to move into the next level and I know that I am correct in my decisions to keep them where they are with the possibility of moving up should they take summer classes, or show more improvement within the first few weeks of classes in the fall. Anyway I had to sit my students down as I had one walk out of the room because she was upset about an adjustment to a formation change because of an unexpected injury and inability to perform in the recital. I think that the reaction to the adjustment was fueled by the placement issue and the adjustment kinda just wore on her. But in the end after explaining to the students the placement decisions (even though this was all covered in Feb) they seemed to understand a little better and in the end gave me a hug because it was our last class.
All in all I have to say that ease in which ASA provides information and assistance in all that we do we provides a great service to our students and our parents. I hope that they realize how much we enjoy being a part of their students dance education and also how much that Tami the director does for them. In short preparing their child for a performance can't get any easier at A Step Above.
I have to say that during my ten odd years of teaching dance I have never seen a more organized rehearsal. Everything is planned out and the parents are so informed that it would be hard for any detail to be overlook....that of course except for the parents who choose to ignore the obvious and who haven't in their 30-some odd years learned to read and really plan.
Back in November we handed out a very detailed information package to all our students which clearly outlined every rehearsal what the students needed to bring, where they needed to be and when....yet there was s till the students who arrived late, un-prepared, or not even at all.
We as instructors go over numerous times with our students, and the parents what is needed etc. This studio is so organized they even hand out a sheet to their students which explains exactly what needs to be done for the hair and make-up of each student for each dance, however you would be surprised how many people came with hair that was not correct, forgotten accessories, and the best---no make up at all. But in the true organized fashion we teachers and the awesome front desk managers got each student ready in time and had a pretty successful rehearsal.
I guess my real point in this rant is that I really don't understand how any detail could be over looked, and I'm surprised that people who are given so much information really don't utilize what they are given. I wish that when I was young I had all the information ready for me for performances. I feel that these students really get a full experience from us as far as education in dance and performance. I am proud to be a part of the faculty at AStepAbove and feel that my skills as a teacher have been enhanced by working there.
I have to say also a little rant that we even give our students written evaluations each year which help them understand their strengths and areas that need additional work and focus. This assists the students in understanding their accomplishments and also assists in them setting their goals. However like anything positive we try to provide from our students there are always parents and students who feel that something is "unfair" or "incorrect" what these complaining persons fail to understand is that all of us who teach at ASA are dance degreed individuals who have dedicated their college education and careers to teaching dance and are extremely competent in all that we do.
I had a negative experience with my Hip Hop class on Friday. As when our students receive their evaluations they also receive their "placement" for next year---meaning which level they will be in. Well I had some unhappy students as they were not moved up to the next level. Technically and ability wise they are not ready to move into the next level and I know that I am correct in my decisions to keep them where they are with the possibility of moving up should they take summer classes, or show more improvement within the first few weeks of classes in the fall. Anyway I had to sit my students down as I had one walk out of the room because she was upset about an adjustment to a formation change because of an unexpected injury and inability to perform in the recital. I think that the reaction to the adjustment was fueled by the placement issue and the adjustment kinda just wore on her. But in the end after explaining to the students the placement decisions (even though this was all covered in Feb) they seemed to understand a little better and in the end gave me a hug because it was our last class.
All in all I have to say that ease in which ASA provides information and assistance in all that we do we provides a great service to our students and our parents. I hope that they realize how much we enjoy being a part of their students dance education and also how much that Tami the director does for them. In short preparing their child for a performance can't get any easier at A Step Above.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
When you work hard----
Well readers, I'm taking a moment to kinda of stray from my reality show rants and just rant for a second about something that had me really heated the other night.
Actually I'm sure I can tie it into my reality show addiction so here ya go. A couple episodes ago on RHWoNYC Jill was interviewed by a British news station regarding the economy and they questioned her decisions to purchase and redo her apartment when the economy is in a recession and in true Jill fashion she answered politically and may I ad poetically. She simply smiled and said I work hard for what I have and remember to give back when I can. She also stated that they are living within their means, their family works hard and enjoys the fruits of their labors. That is commendable for anyone right now in these tough economic times.
Now I don't consider myself wealthy or rich, but I am lucky. I have two jobs which produce a very steady and lucrative income, my wife has a steady job and we live in a very reasonably priced rented apartment. Why rent you say? Because we haven't found our dream house yet, because we don't know exactly what we want or where we want to live so we stay in a place that suits our needs and also allows us to save money elsewhere. Our apartment is just over 1100 sq feet we have a two car garage and the utilities are low. We can't complain. One of our cars is paid off and we have no debt besides student loans and one car payment. That is pretty well for such a young couple.
Well the other night my wife was speaking with an old friend via instant messenger and they were talking about coach bags, for those of you that know me---that is my weakness shoes and handbags. I like them, I like to shop for them, and I save for them. Anyway, the friend began questioning my wife if she had any Coach bags and April replied yes we have a lot of them. Jessica likes them so I buy them for her often or shes buys them for me or herself. (Between the both of us we have nine) I like to switch them up and keep them in good shape, and I also like to have a choice when it comes to my accessories.
To continue...Maria (that is the friend) asked April where we got them? April said the Coach outlet. Jessica likes her bags but refuses to pay full price for them (come on I am a bargain shopper folks) Maria proceeded to ask more questions about the handbags, as to why she couldn't find the ones we had on the Coach website. Clearly this individual is not fashionably sound as like clothes handbags go through collections and seasons as well as designs. Most of mine are previous collections and you can tell by the colors (for instance my red hobo for the holidays) any way she then was like I bet you bought them from a foreigner outside Wal-mart didn't you guys? April got upset and so did I, we didn't do that nor would I want to, why waste money on anything that will fall apart. These bags cost money but they DONT fall apart they are well crafted and made of leather.
Needless to say this Maria character hit a hot button. Then she began to ask April how we could afford that and it must be nice to spend over $100.00 dollars on a handbag.
My response.....it is nice. I work hard for what I have. I pay for my own living costs, I have a car that is paid for, I have an education that is paid for, and yes I have designer bags that I have paid for. Its not a crime to have nice things. The handbags are not put on credit cards, they are not bought with money that I do not have. We work hard and the extra money that we do have allows us to indulge in things we enjoy. We have large savings that is there when we need it and I have a nice purse to put my big hefty check book in.
I would like to say to this Maria character, that Jealousy is a Sickness...get well soon. In today's world we need to be thankful for the little things, but I also see myself as a lucky person to have two jobs when there are people who do not have one. However I have also created a savings for myself should I find myself without one. Its all about planning. We have to be thankful for what we have, but I refuse to be ashamed of what I am able to purchase for myself either. I work to hard and have worked to hard to have what I have and be able to do what I do.
I am a true believer in what my home girl Jill said from RHWoNYC you have to live within your means and we are. April and I are living within our means. There will come a time after we purchase a house that I will not have the ability to buy nice things all the time for myself but I have that ability now, and the ability to save as well. I am grateful for all that I have but also know that I am proud that I can have what I have and do what I do for other people.
I look at it like this, Life is good, Work Hard, Play even harder. It all pays off---when you work hard.
Actually I'm sure I can tie it into my reality show addiction so here ya go. A couple episodes ago on RHWoNYC Jill was interviewed by a British news station regarding the economy and they questioned her decisions to purchase and redo her apartment when the economy is in a recession and in true Jill fashion she answered politically and may I ad poetically. She simply smiled and said I work hard for what I have and remember to give back when I can. She also stated that they are living within their means, their family works hard and enjoys the fruits of their labors. That is commendable for anyone right now in these tough economic times.
Now I don't consider myself wealthy or rich, but I am lucky. I have two jobs which produce a very steady and lucrative income, my wife has a steady job and we live in a very reasonably priced rented apartment. Why rent you say? Because we haven't found our dream house yet, because we don't know exactly what we want or where we want to live so we stay in a place that suits our needs and also allows us to save money elsewhere. Our apartment is just over 1100 sq feet we have a two car garage and the utilities are low. We can't complain. One of our cars is paid off and we have no debt besides student loans and one car payment. That is pretty well for such a young couple.
Well the other night my wife was speaking with an old friend via instant messenger and they were talking about coach bags, for those of you that know me---that is my weakness shoes and handbags. I like them, I like to shop for them, and I save for them. Anyway, the friend began questioning my wife if she had any Coach bags and April replied yes we have a lot of them. Jessica likes them so I buy them for her often or shes buys them for me or herself. (Between the both of us we have nine) I like to switch them up and keep them in good shape, and I also like to have a choice when it comes to my accessories.
To continue...Maria (that is the friend) asked April where we got them? April said the Coach outlet. Jessica likes her bags but refuses to pay full price for them (come on I am a bargain shopper folks) Maria proceeded to ask more questions about the handbags, as to why she couldn't find the ones we had on the Coach website. Clearly this individual is not fashionably sound as like clothes handbags go through collections and seasons as well as designs. Most of mine are previous collections and you can tell by the colors (for instance my red hobo for the holidays) any way she then was like I bet you bought them from a foreigner outside Wal-mart didn't you guys? April got upset and so did I, we didn't do that nor would I want to, why waste money on anything that will fall apart. These bags cost money but they DONT fall apart they are well crafted and made of leather.
Needless to say this Maria character hit a hot button. Then she began to ask April how we could afford that and it must be nice to spend over $100.00 dollars on a handbag.
My response.....it is nice. I work hard for what I have. I pay for my own living costs, I have a car that is paid for, I have an education that is paid for, and yes I have designer bags that I have paid for. Its not a crime to have nice things. The handbags are not put on credit cards, they are not bought with money that I do not have. We work hard and the extra money that we do have allows us to indulge in things we enjoy. We have large savings that is there when we need it and I have a nice purse to put my big hefty check book in.
I would like to say to this Maria character, that Jealousy is a Sickness...get well soon. In today's world we need to be thankful for the little things, but I also see myself as a lucky person to have two jobs when there are people who do not have one. However I have also created a savings for myself should I find myself without one. Its all about planning. We have to be thankful for what we have, but I refuse to be ashamed of what I am able to purchase for myself either. I work to hard and have worked to hard to have what I have and be able to do what I do.
I am a true believer in what my home girl Jill said from RHWoNYC you have to live within your means and we are. April and I are living within our means. There will come a time after we purchase a house that I will not have the ability to buy nice things all the time for myself but I have that ability now, and the ability to save as well. I am grateful for all that I have but also know that I am proud that I can have what I have and do what I do for other people.
I look at it like this, Life is good, Work Hard, Play even harder. It all pays off---when you work hard.
What a Finale
Well readers, last night I sadly watched the season Finale of RHWo NYC. It was full of Drama and actually suprised me a little.
For any of you who may be familair with the show, all season we were gearing up for Jill Zarins fundraiser for her daughters athritis cause Creakyjoints and last night we got to see the hard work pay off. BUT (yes there is a but come on its reality tv we're talking about here people) before we get to see all the hard work pay off we have to be indudlged with our weekly dose of housewife drama.
It strikes me funny how much these women truely believe that they do what they do out of the kindess of their hearts. I mean, I'm not dissing my girls (I would never do that) but seriously most of the time that the wealthy do charity events is becasue it in some way brings a benefit to them, (the saying is true nothing in this world is free) So when the scene at Jill's apartment came on and Romona (the little wine-o) flips on Jill because of a "Step and Repeat" (for those of you including myself who don't know, a step and repeat is the area outside those big flashy events where companys have logos on it for stars and attendees to have their pictures taken in front of.) Anywho, Wine-o decides that she will take the ettiquette and class police hat away from from the countess (yes there is a countess on this show no lie) and tell Jill that if Jill puts her husbands fabric business on the step and repeat its tacky....Really people I'm pretty sure that all of america didn't know what a flippin step and repeat was until this episode and now we will forever know and wonder how much money people actually paid to have their logos behind the stars at events. Eventually the fued dies down and we move on (in true howsewife fasion)
Then we cut to the actual set up of the event where supringly Wine-o is there to help as much as she can, which includes flipping out again about sineage---is this all she has to do? push Jill's buttons and get her going---I think that was the whole purpose to her pointing out that in back of the bar that Bethenny got donated for this event were advertisements for the liquor company supplying the booze and also her company from which the booze was coming from. Romona again gets back on her high horse and begins to bitch about advertisement space...really is this really happening? Bethenny and that company gave a bar worth $25K for free--dontated...i think they should be able to advertise a little dont you think? I was disapointed that this event was being cast under a dark cloud of what is right and what is wrong by someone who is so out of control when it comes to her own tongue (again I'm referecning Romona the Wine-o) that I feel this was her only time to be a star this season. So she decided to flaunt it and really just be the rain on the fundraisers parade.
Well skipping ahead to the event ( cause in between lame-o scenes happen in between) we see Bethenny who is advised of the little Romona tyraid that she produced again because of someone elses advertisement at the event decides to confront Jill as she was told Jill was "talking behind her back" it was quite supsenful..really were my two favorite ladies going to fight and have outs at this event, all because the evil Wine-o.....no my friends, they quickly made up as true girlfriends do and moved on with the event. Jill raised tons of money I believe the grand total was over $100,000.00 for creakyjoints and she proceeded to thank everyone that helped which was very humble of her too.
This season was full of suprises and of course good old fashion girl drama. The thing I have to say that I like about the NY housewives is they are rather opinionated right to each others faces. Some one who never had seen the show would be clearly and utterly confused if they only watched one episode, cause like a day in new england where you can get all four seasons in one day, the real housewives moods and friendships change in a matter of seconds----perhaps its an east coast thing. But one thing doesn't change, they always support each other and always are rather bluntly honest. I like them and applaud them for that.
Now the other Bravo housewives...they dont have as much respect as I have for the NY cast...NJ has some big shoes to fill we'll see if they can do it, but as described in an earlier blog about them they are all family so it could get interesting to see what happens to the couple of housewives who aren't.
As this season on NY ends I anxiously await the reunion special cause its always fun to see a couple more cat fights go down---which from reading cast members blogs on bravo has shown it will be full of juice, nasty looks, and about 40 of Kelly's STOP STOP STOP rants (shes so lame) I'm sure Bravo will have another marathon this weekend gearing up for the reunion so if you find yourself with some down time, sit back relax and get lost in the reality of some Housewives from NYC>
For any of you who may be familair with the show, all season we were gearing up for Jill Zarins fundraiser for her daughters athritis cause Creakyjoints and last night we got to see the hard work pay off. BUT (yes there is a but come on its reality tv we're talking about here people) before we get to see all the hard work pay off we have to be indudlged with our weekly dose of housewife drama.
It strikes me funny how much these women truely believe that they do what they do out of the kindess of their hearts. I mean, I'm not dissing my girls (I would never do that) but seriously most of the time that the wealthy do charity events is becasue it in some way brings a benefit to them, (the saying is true nothing in this world is free) So when the scene at Jill's apartment came on and Romona (the little wine-o) flips on Jill because of a "Step and Repeat" (for those of you including myself who don't know, a step and repeat is the area outside those big flashy events where companys have logos on it for stars and attendees to have their pictures taken in front of.) Anywho, Wine-o decides that she will take the ettiquette and class police hat away from from the countess (yes there is a countess on this show no lie) and tell Jill that if Jill puts her husbands fabric business on the step and repeat its tacky....Really people I'm pretty sure that all of america didn't know what a flippin step and repeat was until this episode and now we will forever know and wonder how much money people actually paid to have their logos behind the stars at events. Eventually the fued dies down and we move on (in true howsewife fasion)
Then we cut to the actual set up of the event where supringly Wine-o is there to help as much as she can, which includes flipping out again about sineage---is this all she has to do? push Jill's buttons and get her going---I think that was the whole purpose to her pointing out that in back of the bar that Bethenny got donated for this event were advertisements for the liquor company supplying the booze and also her company from which the booze was coming from. Romona again gets back on her high horse and begins to bitch about advertisement space...really is this really happening? Bethenny and that company gave a bar worth $25K for free--dontated...i think they should be able to advertise a little dont you think? I was disapointed that this event was being cast under a dark cloud of what is right and what is wrong by someone who is so out of control when it comes to her own tongue (again I'm referecning Romona the Wine-o) that I feel this was her only time to be a star this season. So she decided to flaunt it and really just be the rain on the fundraisers parade.
Well skipping ahead to the event ( cause in between lame-o scenes happen in between) we see Bethenny who is advised of the little Romona tyraid that she produced again because of someone elses advertisement at the event decides to confront Jill as she was told Jill was "talking behind her back" it was quite supsenful..really were my two favorite ladies going to fight and have outs at this event, all because the evil Wine-o.....no my friends, they quickly made up as true girlfriends do and moved on with the event. Jill raised tons of money I believe the grand total was over $100,000.00 for creakyjoints and she proceeded to thank everyone that helped which was very humble of her too.
This season was full of suprises and of course good old fashion girl drama. The thing I have to say that I like about the NY housewives is they are rather opinionated right to each others faces. Some one who never had seen the show would be clearly and utterly confused if they only watched one episode, cause like a day in new england where you can get all four seasons in one day, the real housewives moods and friendships change in a matter of seconds----perhaps its an east coast thing. But one thing doesn't change, they always support each other and always are rather bluntly honest. I like them and applaud them for that.
Now the other Bravo housewives...they dont have as much respect as I have for the NY cast...NJ has some big shoes to fill we'll see if they can do it, but as described in an earlier blog about them they are all family so it could get interesting to see what happens to the couple of housewives who aren't.
As this season on NY ends I anxiously await the reunion special cause its always fun to see a couple more cat fights go down---which from reading cast members blogs on bravo has shown it will be full of juice, nasty looks, and about 40 of Kelly's STOP STOP STOP rants (shes so lame) I'm sure Bravo will have another marathon this weekend gearing up for the reunion so if you find yourself with some down time, sit back relax and get lost in the reality of some Housewives from NYC>
Thursday, April 30, 2009
You've got to be kidding
Well readers, you all know I have openly confessed my love for reality TV here in my little blog, however sometimes I think it just gets stretched to far.
Prior to starting this little blog I had tried my hand out on one called Reality Bites----I watched a reality show and blogged about it following the episode---my first blog was about the new wave of "Love Connection" shows that are springing up every couple of months, mainly out of VH1.
As I was reviewing my tweets this morning I stumbled across a tweet from AfterEllen and had a good laugh right here in the middle of my office.
VH1 started out with a rather commercial rendition on love shows when they premiered Flavor of Love---really who would want to fall in love with that?---didn't he do a behind the scenes special where he cashed a well-fare check? Then it was a huge snow ball effect from there, not only did we get a season 2 out of it but then we met the lovely New York who had her two shows trying to find love, then another trying to find a job....The list continues my friends, and it only gets cheesier and more corrupt from there.
Out of no where came a tiny female who was searching for "A Shot At Love" the twist she was bi-sexual---We were introduced to Tila Tequila and from there became hooked (lets face it open hot lesbian make outs on prime time television is a reason to watch for anyone) of course in the end stupid Tila picked a guy, in stead of cute, nice, and personable Dani (female) she then of course gets a second round at it and AGAIN picks wrong and chooses the guy---Seriously Lisa was H-O-T-T.
Continuing on in true VH1 fashion (I mean they have got to be getting ratings they keep making more right?) We get Brett Michaels, we all know him, we all loved him (those of us that grew up to our moms listening to hair bands like myself) he decides he wants to find his Rock-of-Love...well folks he gets three swings at it, the final one ending on a tour bus, and ding ding ding, one of his rejects gets her own show, which I will let you know I will NOT watch.
Now that I've digressed far to much, back to the AfterEllen Tweet----Now I feel that VH1 may have hit rock bottom. They have offered to do another spin-off of "A Shot at Love" and this time make it based around a HUGE MTV has-been Aubrey O'Day. Lets face it lady, if Diddy doesn't want you leave the business. I think that the AfterEllen blog pretty much covered the bases as to why she is doing this show, she needs another 15 minutes of fame. I just can't understand how someone who was talented and humble in the beginning became so far out there.
I'm not sure that I can really recommend this show to anyone to watch, so instead this is my time to warn you about a horrible upcoming bit of reality that people will try to get us to watch. Lets not and say we did, we all know we can catch the gossip on the blogs and twitter...I'm hoping that the ratings go down and we are no longer going to be exposed to this kinda desperate behavior at becoming the next big thing.
Prior to starting this little blog I had tried my hand out on one called Reality Bites----I watched a reality show and blogged about it following the episode---my first blog was about the new wave of "Love Connection" shows that are springing up every couple of months, mainly out of VH1.
As I was reviewing my tweets this morning I stumbled across a tweet from AfterEllen and had a good laugh right here in the middle of my office.
VH1 started out with a rather commercial rendition on love shows when they premiered Flavor of Love---really who would want to fall in love with that?---didn't he do a behind the scenes special where he cashed a well-fare check? Then it was a huge snow ball effect from there, not only did we get a season 2 out of it but then we met the lovely New York who had her two shows trying to find love, then another trying to find a job....The list continues my friends, and it only gets cheesier and more corrupt from there.
Out of no where came a tiny female who was searching for "A Shot At Love" the twist she was bi-sexual---We were introduced to Tila Tequila and from there became hooked (lets face it open hot lesbian make outs on prime time television is a reason to watch for anyone) of course in the end stupid Tila picked a guy, in stead of cute, nice, and personable Dani (female) she then of course gets a second round at it and AGAIN picks wrong and chooses the guy---Seriously Lisa was H-O-T-T.
Continuing on in true VH1 fashion (I mean they have got to be getting ratings they keep making more right?) We get Brett Michaels, we all know him, we all loved him (those of us that grew up to our moms listening to hair bands like myself) he decides he wants to find his Rock-of-Love...well folks he gets three swings at it, the final one ending on a tour bus, and ding ding ding, one of his rejects gets her own show, which I will let you know I will NOT watch.
Now that I've digressed far to much, back to the AfterEllen Tweet----Now I feel that VH1 may have hit rock bottom. They have offered to do another spin-off of "A Shot at Love" and this time make it based around a HUGE MTV has-been Aubrey O'Day. Lets face it lady, if Diddy doesn't want you leave the business. I think that the AfterEllen blog pretty much covered the bases as to why she is doing this show, she needs another 15 minutes of fame. I just can't understand how someone who was talented and humble in the beginning became so far out there.
I'm not sure that I can really recommend this show to anyone to watch, so instead this is my time to warn you about a horrible upcoming bit of reality that people will try to get us to watch. Lets not and say we did, we all know we can catch the gossip on the blogs and twitter...I'm hoping that the ratings go down and we are no longer going to be exposed to this kinda desperate behavior at becoming the next big thing.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
...it's coming to an end
Sadly my friends my favorite Bravo series is coming to an end soon. Real Housewives of NYC will be airing its last episode this season next week and of course its said to be jammed packed with drama....and then of course there is the reunion special....coming soon
Being extra interested in expanding my knowledge of social media and also online facets of entertainment information I became extremely involved in Twitter, and of course the reading of other blogs. . . . Among those blogs I have become hooked on Jill Zarin's from RHWoNYC and Bethenny Frankel (same show) They are funny and witty , and I enjoy reading their reactions to each of the episodes as they air. I also follow them on Twitter and love hearing all the interesting things they are doing.
When I got home today after spending way to much at the local grocery store (yes its cheaper to shop at Walmart in Madison but that would mean I have to tackle the Beltline on a day that I don't need to go on it so I opted for the over priced store here in town) I got all my house duties done and curled up on the couch with the kitties and snapped on Bravo to YESSSS catch the latest episode which I missed on Tuesday...
In a nutshell this episode I have to say was the most confusing...do we really care about Alex & Simon's renovation...was I the only one that noticed the only people who were there was the other cast members?-----Then there is awkward and (why is she on the show again) Kelly interaction...she shows up early (was this because she wanted to redeem herself from her extremely late arrival to her own party from the last episode?) and acts as if she really cares about Alex & Simon.
Any who---the real issue this episode is will Bethenny (my home girl) and Kelly ever get along. The answer is NO. Kelly really shows how immature she is when she clearly denies saying RUDE things to Bethenny (ummm hello they have footage of what you said you ignoramus) Its funny to watch how these women behave...but we have to be honest viewers as much as we think its immature and yet funny, we all act this way---they just have a camera crew to tape every moment of their lives.
I like this show, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Its fun to watch other people have problems, but I have to say its also fun because we've had the chance to watch other people be successful...Bethenny Frankels book NaturallyThin is still on NYC bestsellers list and we've really watched her company and entrepreneurial investments pay off. It is showing that hard work can pay off....and shes being smart...free advertising for a show your getting paid to do---wise women...watch and learn folks.
She's not the only one who is cashing in. Jill's definitely got lots of airtime for her and her husbands fabric business ZarinFabrics, Jeana from the OC cast is selling diet stuff, Ramona from NYC is selling Jewelery, The Countess a book for her self....is there anything these women can't sell? I think I'm in the wrong business....I just need to convince Bravo to do Real Housewives of the Midwest-----who wants to help me write my pitch ?
Well anyway, if you haven't had the chance to get to know the Bravo ladies of RHWoNYC there will be a marathon on Saturday so catch up on them...come on you know you want to escape your reality...so why not indulge and maybe get lost in someone else's.....
Hope you all have a great rest of the week....Busy month coming up...dance recital, nannies surgery, Tami's wedding---then comes summer :o)
Being extra interested in expanding my knowledge of social media and also online facets of entertainment information I became extremely involved in Twitter, and of course the reading of other blogs. . . . Among those blogs I have become hooked on Jill Zarin's from RHWoNYC and Bethenny Frankel (same show) They are funny and witty , and I enjoy reading their reactions to each of the episodes as they air. I also follow them on Twitter and love hearing all the interesting things they are doing.
When I got home today after spending way to much at the local grocery store (yes its cheaper to shop at Walmart in Madison but that would mean I have to tackle the Beltline on a day that I don't need to go on it so I opted for the over priced store here in town) I got all my house duties done and curled up on the couch with the kitties and snapped on Bravo to YESSSS catch the latest episode which I missed on Tuesday...
In a nutshell this episode I have to say was the most confusing...do we really care about Alex & Simon's renovation...was I the only one that noticed the only people who were there was the other cast members?-----Then there is awkward and (why is she on the show again) Kelly interaction...she shows up early (was this because she wanted to redeem herself from her extremely late arrival to her own party from the last episode?) and acts as if she really cares about Alex & Simon.
Any who---the real issue this episode is will Bethenny (my home girl) and Kelly ever get along. The answer is NO. Kelly really shows how immature she is when she clearly denies saying RUDE things to Bethenny (ummm hello they have footage of what you said you ignoramus) Its funny to watch how these women behave...but we have to be honest viewers as much as we think its immature and yet funny, we all act this way---they just have a camera crew to tape every moment of their lives.
I like this show, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Its fun to watch other people have problems, but I have to say its also fun because we've had the chance to watch other people be successful...Bethenny Frankels book NaturallyThin is still on NYC bestsellers list and we've really watched her company and entrepreneurial investments pay off. It is showing that hard work can pay off....and shes being smart...free advertising for a show your getting paid to do---wise women...watch and learn folks.
She's not the only one who is cashing in. Jill's definitely got lots of airtime for her and her husbands fabric business ZarinFabrics, Jeana from the OC cast is selling diet stuff, Ramona from NYC is selling Jewelery, The Countess a book for her self....is there anything these women can't sell? I think I'm in the wrong business....I just need to convince Bravo to do Real Housewives of the Midwest-----who wants to help me write my pitch ?
Well anyway, if you haven't had the chance to get to know the Bravo ladies of RHWoNYC there will be a marathon on Saturday so catch up on them...come on you know you want to escape your reality...so why not indulge and maybe get lost in someone else's.....
Hope you all have a great rest of the week....Busy month coming up...dance recital, nannies surgery, Tami's wedding---then comes summer :o)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Real Housewives of New Jersey

As If I need one more show to consume my life full of reality bites----Bravo has done it again and as People has outline for us in their first look at Bravos new addition of its "Real Housewives Drama-tology" it seems that this group of ladies will delight us with more outrageous behavior and "do they really live like this moments"
As I sat at home today on Easter Sunday of course I tuned to my favorite marathon channel Bravo and was excited to catch the end of the RHWo Orange County--(I missed the final episode) and was even more excited to see that I got the chance to catch the sneak peak at their new spin off the "New Jersey" wives.
As in true Bravo Fashion the episode began outlining each housewife and their "stories" giving us a teaser glance into their worlds.
As each girl was introduced throughout this episode I was so confused...did they really just say that sisters married brothers? Is that legal---how do you explain that to your friends yeah were' sisters and we married brothers---I thought that stuff only happened in backwards southern states. Then to throw another "sister" in the pack there is a housewife who married the two sisters brother---I'm thinking Bravo should have named this a completely different show like Family Ties or something (oh wait that show title was already used years ago oooh well)
The houses are extravagant, the drama is over the top and the cars are out of this world.
I have to say that this one may have to grow on me but I'm just not into the ladies at this time...They are a little to "wanna-be-ish" for me. Its like they are trying to be very much something that they are not...but I think its cause I'm bias with the New York ladies---maybe its cause I relate to them more as that is where my roots are from or maybe its because I have never really had positive experiences in Jersey myself.
Many articles and blogs have been written about this season for the Jersey ladies its been noted on the jokes such as the "big hair" "arm pit of the united states" etc etc....So I can't be original or witty when others have already taken the obvious punch line jokes--- but what I will say is we will be enjoying family feuds, Crazy purchases, and of course back-stabbing conversations between grow women living in fantasy worlds that of course we are glorifying by tuning in.
I just can't help it---its addicting. I know that I eventually I will be watching and following these gals as well but for now take a Sneakpeak at the show and let me know what you think. Of course my editor will probably roll her eyes and refuse to tune in, I'd like to think we could all escape from our realities and enjoy a little time in "reality TV land" to just be distracted for a while....Happy watching and tune in later this week when I do a recap of RHWoNYC...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Guilty pleasure that I enjoy
As many of you know I have a very serious addiction to reality TV...many of my readers including my editor (cough cough do not quit) do not like reality TV...but my friends what a better way to escape from the hustle and bustle of our real lives then watch as other display their "real lives" on national TV?
I have to say there is a wide variety of them out there from modern day love connection shows, to weight loss shows, dance competitions, cooking competitions...you name it its out there...I will be trying to comment on many of them through out my blogging extravaganzas but you will notice the shows that I care for more or find more entertaining will be mentioned more then once.
I have to tell you that one lazy day as the snow fell outside my little WI apartment window I flicked to bravo and saw a TV show called The Real Housewives of Orange County...in true and absolute boredom I watched the entire marathon..I met the wives (characters) and got engrossed with their "real" lives...I laughed at their petty hardships and also their often anti-climatic fights. I welcome you to learn their stories at the Bravo Website.
Well as my days pass by I find myself being addicted to this little series that bravo has created and found that I truly like the NYC edition of this show. The ladies are funny, dramatic, and remind me obviously of my roots (as I am east "coastie" as my cheese head friends are now referring to me as) Jill and Bethenny remind me of me and an old friend, and I can relate to their characters ( I wish I could relate to their bank accounts) I have enjoyed this particular addition to the Bravo series so much that I have begun following the blogs of both Jill and Bethenny and offer them to you for review. Jillsblog is here please check it out. Shes hilarious opinionated and I enjoy her rants about the happenings of the show during her live blog. Bethenny caught my attention with her skinny girl margarita ( a girl after my own hear to create a cocktail line for those watching their figure) Bethenny is a character and I love her--she is out-spoken and loves attention :o) I love her book (yes I bought it) and I think others should check out her amazing recipes at her Website
Needless to say I have to give the Real Housewives a couple of stars on my reality show to watch meter...
However I have to say I don't really know if I'm going to enjoy the New Jersey series---its just gonna be a bunch of ladies wishing they lived in NYC (my personal opinion)
Well now that I've given you a minor, (extremely minor) run down on the different types of shows I'll be reviewing I hope you come back and really help me decipher reflections from reality on a weekly basis :o)
I have to say there is a wide variety of them out there from modern day love connection shows, to weight loss shows, dance competitions, cooking competitions...you name it its out there...I will be trying to comment on many of them through out my blogging extravaganzas but you will notice the shows that I care for more or find more entertaining will be mentioned more then once.
I have to tell you that one lazy day as the snow fell outside my little WI apartment window I flicked to bravo and saw a TV show called The Real Housewives of Orange County...in true and absolute boredom I watched the entire marathon..I met the wives (characters) and got engrossed with their "real" lives...I laughed at their petty hardships and also their often anti-climatic fights. I welcome you to learn their stories at the Bravo Website.
Well as my days pass by I find myself being addicted to this little series that bravo has created and found that I truly like the NYC edition of this show. The ladies are funny, dramatic, and remind me obviously of my roots (as I am east "coastie" as my cheese head friends are now referring to me as) Jill and Bethenny remind me of me and an old friend, and I can relate to their characters ( I wish I could relate to their bank accounts) I have enjoyed this particular addition to the Bravo series so much that I have begun following the blogs of both Jill and Bethenny and offer them to you for review. Jillsblog is here please check it out. Shes hilarious opinionated and I enjoy her rants about the happenings of the show during her live blog. Bethenny caught my attention with her skinny girl margarita ( a girl after my own hear to create a cocktail line for those watching their figure) Bethenny is a character and I love her--she is out-spoken and loves attention :o) I love her book (yes I bought it) and I think others should check out her amazing recipes at her Website
Needless to say I have to give the Real Housewives a couple of stars on my reality show to watch meter...
However I have to say I don't really know if I'm going to enjoy the New Jersey series---its just gonna be a bunch of ladies wishing they lived in NYC (my personal opinion)
Well now that I've given you a minor, (extremely minor) run down on the different types of shows I'll be reviewing I hope you come back and really help me decipher reflections from reality on a weekly basis :o)
Friday, April 3, 2009
A Change In Pace----Makes work a happy place
As many of you know---I had a boss....this boss was poisoness---she was a horrible manager--with a lack for detail, communication skills, and of course a horrible lack of business sense...
Once upon a time I searched daily the online job markets searching for the opportunity to leave the job I had, anything would be better then the stress and horrible working conditions between supervisors I endured everyday as the days creeped by and I suffered from slight anxiety about walking into my office...And one day after the 500Th resume was emailed out I received a phone call for an interview. I was pumped...SCORE an opportunity to flee....My friend, and partner in crime was leaving the company and this interview came at just the perfect time...
Needless to say excited about the interview I entered our weekly staff meeting only to hear that Julie--the boss with no clue was leaving. Was this a joke, could it be true...this is amazing GREAT SUPER....do I go to the interview?---You bet I did...never miss an opportunity...at least try and see if it was meant to be.
I went to the interview, however did not get the job. I am a true and firm believer that everything does happen for a reason and let me tell you the changes that took place finally made the company that I have really put my heart and soul into come alive. We've completely begun moving forward . We got a new VP who is laid back, yet professional, educated---and willing to educate...and also very approachable..work life is GREAT!!!! Finally a normal working atmosphere....
Things have moved right along at the dance studio---I am meeting with the owner/director and will be possibly begin a full time salaried position with the dance company---all good things come to those who wait...there was definitely a reason that I did not get the other job that I interviewed with...Things have begun really going for me...I'm happy, I'm creative...and I feel confident in what I spend my time doing everyday....Keep your fingers crossed for a full time dance position---for then I will be truly living my dream :o)
Once upon a time I searched daily the online job markets searching for the opportunity to leave the job I had, anything would be better then the stress and horrible working conditions between supervisors I endured everyday as the days creeped by and I suffered from slight anxiety about walking into my office...And one day after the 500Th resume was emailed out I received a phone call for an interview. I was pumped...SCORE an opportunity to flee....My friend, and partner in crime was leaving the company and this interview came at just the perfect time...
Needless to say excited about the interview I entered our weekly staff meeting only to hear that Julie--the boss with no clue was leaving. Was this a joke, could it be true...this is amazing GREAT SUPER....do I go to the interview?---You bet I did...never miss an opportunity...at least try and see if it was meant to be.
I went to the interview, however did not get the job. I am a true and firm believer that everything does happen for a reason and let me tell you the changes that took place finally made the company that I have really put my heart and soul into come alive. We've completely begun moving forward . We got a new VP who is laid back, yet professional, educated---and willing to educate...and also very approachable..work life is GREAT!!!! Finally a normal working atmosphere....
Things have moved right along at the dance studio---I am meeting with the owner/director and will be possibly begin a full time salaried position with the dance company---all good things come to those who wait...there was definitely a reason that I did not get the other job that I interviewed with...Things have begun really going for me...I'm happy, I'm creative...and I feel confident in what I spend my time doing everyday....Keep your fingers crossed for a full time dance position---for then I will be truly living my dream :o)
The News No One Wants

Hello My Blogging Buddies...As promised here come some blogs.
Well the last Actual blog I wrote was after one of the happiest days of my life. My wedding....it has been a great joy and blessing being united with my love...I was lucky to have all my friends and family there especially my Nannie.
Nannie is my mum's mum and probably the most important person in my life. We knew something was wrong because she wasn't herself or up to par when she visited but in true queen fashion she made the trip to share in my special day. Shortly after her visit to the Midwest she went to see the doctor again for ailments that had been troubling her for months.
The bad news came the day before thanksgiving....the big C----Cancer....now Cancer is a hard thing to swallow for anyone at anytime...however the C word came with a nasty stage level and hers was the worst one---surgery not an option...talk about a one two punch.
Thanksgiving was hard for me and the months to follow not so easy either. Taking my savings for Christmas gifts I booked a flight right away for home for the holidays...I needed to be with her. I spent the day after Christmas through new years eve with my Nannie and really just enjoyed some quality time with her.
She has been going through her Chemo treatments and last week it was discovered that the treatments had little effect on the masses. She is no going through a course of tests to see if she is physically ready for surgery. We're patiently crossing our fingers and keeping her spirits up.
Its hard being away from your family, but its especially hard when you want to be there for them through a tough time.
I talk to my Nannie everyday and wish everyday I had enough money to visit her once a month.
She finally got her wig the other day and let me tell you this little sassy Brit looks stunning. (shes up top)
I am a firm believer that she is to strong not to beat this. Her spirits are high and shes attacking it full force. Its very hard for her not to----I don't allow her to be negative.
I know that cancer effects thousands....millions each day...and its not getting any easier to cure..to deal with...to live with...however it is here and we can't ignore it. I have been blessed with an amazing family, compassionate co-workers, and supportive friends...and The love and strength that they have offered to my Nannie is amazing...they need to know that a huge part of her healing and battle is being fought because of their thoughts and strength and I am forever grateful to them. . . .
I'll keep everyone posted on Nannies progress...for now shes strutting about in that fabulous new do, making tea, and learning to slow down and do nothing once in a while :o)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'll be back I Promise!!!
Hello my faithful readers (do you still exist or did I loose you completely)
Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow I plan on updating both of my blogs---yes I have two that I have so hurtfully ignored for the past several months.
Friday night and its just me, a bottle of wine and my lap top---sounds fun doesn't it...:o)
Come back for your reading pleasure I have lots to share and lots to gush my feelings about....
Happy Thursday all
Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow I plan on updating both of my blogs---yes I have two that I have so hurtfully ignored for the past several months.
Friday night and its just me, a bottle of wine and my lap top---sounds fun doesn't it...:o)
Come back for your reading pleasure I have lots to share and lots to gush my feelings about....
Happy Thursday all
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