Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Labels are no fun----so this is the "new age lesbian"

First off ---lets start with background to this post.

I believe stereotypes and labels are "for the birds" however it is common in my life when people discover that I am gay their initial comment is "but you don't look it"----I didn't know there was a certain "look" I had to aquire to "be a lesbian"

However I do know that people do associate "types" or people with labels and preconcieved visions of what that person should look like.....

There a millions of people in this world, all walks of live, all shapes and sizes...(you get my drift) and some how it still kind of shocks me that today people would say something like "but you don't look it".

Opinion 1 from me - Lesbians don't look the same, just like straight females don't look the same. We don't have a certain look to us, we don't have a secret mark that you can observe to point us out, and we don't wear IM A LESBIAN shirt on a daily basis to make it easier for you to spot us.

Opinion 2 from me - we are people, individuals...not a phenomona or zoo exhibit to be pointed out and gauked stop with the "no your not" "can I watch" "but you can't be" statements...its old...outdated...and down right annoying.

ok enough ranting....

anyway I do have a point I promise

The other night my friend Bekah imed me to ask me to contribute to her list (Bekah is gay...just an FYI), when I asked what list she said what makes a lesbian today, easy ways to spot them on the street......I laughed for a minute (you all clearly see my feelings regarding singaling out of a lesbians from above) However it got me to thinking....

I made comment the other day on a friends blog "gay is the new straight" and it made me think of the friends I used to hang out with and the group dynamic we shared but also portrayed in social settings. It also made me think of the tv shows that now are showing that lesbians aren't a specific type and don't look a certain way....(see Degrassi , South of Nowhere...The L get my point) however the company I used to keep fell directly into the outline provided by Bekah's "List"

doc martins.. belts (you know the buckle kind and cloth kind with the rings), walking with your hands in the front pockets of you pants, hats, carabiners,thumb rings, plaid ,pumas,mens wallets, satchels, leather cuffs,button ups, chap stick, baseball shirts, layers, sports bras nix the sports , boardshorts,cargo shorts,hoodies, thermals, army/olive green, camo, military inspired jackets, sideways hats, vests/ties/suspenders (to suspend things), motorcylces/trucks, sleeveless shirts, animal shirts, girlie boy style underoos,bandanas, cats, lword,south of nowhere, brandi carlile, indigo girls, tegan and sara, ferrick, etc,aviators, playing the guitar,drama,softball, baggy clothes, if you've ever said the phrase "i need to take a leak",tatts,peirced tongue,driving a subaru, jeep or truck,wallet chains, holding beer bottles by the neck, using the phrase"don't i know you from myspace" as a pick up line, sweat bands-minus the sweat.....the list goes on

As you can see this list is pretty funny...not completely accurate but pretty entertaining to say the least. I swear that more then half of that list is like I would look at a picture of my friends in a picture from memorial day in p-town MA.

Please just find humor in this list, I know I did because I'm guilty of some of it.....

its all in fun.

Night all

Thoughts become things....Choose the good ones!

think that quote might just be the best advice someone has ever given me (thank you Carol Stanmore).....The other day as I sat feeling sorry for myself and my incredibly underpaid job I have been letting ruin my mood the last two weeks, I got off my sorry for myself butt and took a walk. I took time to reflect on the advice of many and time to gather my thoughts.

When I returned home from my walk of reflection I decided to put the good thoughts out there. I am a very talented experienced dance educator and performer....I need to do what makes me happy. So to the web I went, googling dance studios in the Madison area and also positions that could possibly be open. I told myself "You will find a job tonight"....low and be hold my thoughts became things (well lets not jump to conclusions...I haven't actually gotten the job yet) but to say the least a job perfect for me was sitting there waiting for my response.

I emailed out my very extensive and may I brag impressive dance resume to A step above dance and music academy. This morning I received a reply. The director was impressed with my resume and wanted to schedule an interview right away.

I can't express the excitement that I have for this opportunity. I hope that after the interview the director feels that I will be the ideal candidate for the position and offers me a teacher role within her academy.....of course...there are details to be discussed such as compensation, hours, etc...the big one (benefits). I will sacrifice no health benefits and seek out individual coverage should the price and hours be right...there is a lot to consider such as vacation time etc. However I really want to get involved with teaching and dancing everyday again. I feel that I am most happy when I can do so. Not to mention it is a great opportunity to get my name out in the arts community in this area which is so new to me.

I will continue working at my dreaded underpaid job of course, and will eventually some day approach the president about the much needed raise, however this is a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of me preparing for the need for another job.

It really is true...Thoughts become things....CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES! (we waste to much time and energy on the bad ones and become disappointed when the bad "ones" keep happening to us)

Get to thinking....and choose wisely


oh yeah (wish me luck)

***for your viewing pleasure....please enjoy below photo of my dance team from New Hampshire...I coached them for four years, our last year left us with 3 first place regional titles, two grand champion titles...and of course 2007 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS**


Monday, March 24, 2008


I know that everyone is probably facing the same problem with this thriving economy and all (note tone of sarcasm)....however I'm facing a pretty serious issue.

This fall as many know I packed my things and moved half way across the country to wonderful Madison WI. I accepted a position as a receptionist/administrative assistant for a real estate development firm. They also asked that I do minor HR data entry for them.

Well as time moved on I quickly accepted the role of HR manager and then also took on the role of Payroll manager as well. However with the increased job duties and responsibilities I did not receive a raise.

About two weeks ago I received a "raise" technically the company moved me from hourly to salary and only offered a 40 cent raise.

I am rather upset and feel a little taken advantage of. I have done research as a great friend has suggested, and will be bringing these issues up to my vice president.

In my research I found that a clerk (which is less responsible for all that I am responsible for) is paid 35K. I do not understand how some companies continue to underpay their workers.

I wouldn't have an issue with this as I know that my degree and background is not in the area in which I am working now....however I was thrown into the deep end and have come out doing the back stroke with ease. I have learned many things quickly and continue to improve numerous aspects of our company. The other issue that pushes my buttons is that we seem to be overpaying those whom don't work as much as those of us who are working overtime constantly.

If anyone has any suggestions on the best way possible to verbalize my request for at least minimal compensation for the job that I am doing that would be great.


Friday, March 21, 2008

First day of Spring.....or Winter?....can't decide

Well here I sit in my apartment...Salma on my lap and Sagey by my side SNOWED IN. Its hard to believe that yesterday it was almost 50 degrees and we saw grass everywhere finally. Wisconsin weather is NOT different from New England (back home they used to say we could go through all four seasons in a single day....) However in WI i think that the boycott Plowing. and if they do plow the do not do it soon enough. I commute 15 minutes to work everyday (with good weather) this morning it took me over an hour to get into the office, turned around 2 hours later to come home and it took almost an hour and a half to get home safely...which my I add could not pull into my driveway. So as the small ice balls pelted against April and I's faces we dug the snow from around my car and some how got the car into the back lot. I called my landlord (yes we're still renting...) and asked that he have a plow come through as the snow drifts in the back of the lot are not allowing me to pull the car into the garage....the man he had come did not plow the driveway nearly enough and completely ignored the problem which is the portion in back of our garage door.

I swear this "winter" can not be over fast enough. I would rather own my own home where I am in control of the snow removal and I can by a nice snow blower to plow out my driveway.

You may be wondering why I wouldn't just shovel myself out...well I have in the past. I have missed days of work and also been late because of the inability to drive out of the driveway...this after spending hours trying to dig myself out. Snow removal is covered in our lease and also being advertised in the vacant unit above us (we live in a quaint quadraplex) So I think its the landlords responsibility to take care of it.

Annnnny point to this blog....I hope this snow goes away fast, I am longing for days of Capri's, flippers, and no bundling up.


RiverDance.....the farewell tour

Well my first theatre experience in Madison is complete. I joined my friends Wendy and Crystal from work to attend the farewell tour of Riverdance at the Overture center on March 12th. I must say this theatre complex is beautifully designed and offered numerous venues for theatrical performances.

We entered the theatre to take our seats which just happened to be in the third row of the balcony, smack dab in the middle. I don't usually like to sit in the balcony because it offers a view which doesn't normally do a performance justice. However those were the best available seats that weren't sold out at the time we purchased our tickets. (I prefer to sit in the mezzanine level in the center. Best view of the entire stage and close enough to see all emotions of performers) Regardless of the height of our seats I believe the balcony was a good choice for Riverdance. It gave us an entire view of the stage as well as a semi birds eye view for complete formation and transition viewing of the dancers.

I never knew the story of Riverdance until after the show I googled the story line. I literally had only seen it a few times on PBS and really enjoyed the intricacy of the footwork. As many know it was created by Michael Flatley who is also the star of Lord of The Dance. This show intimately includes musical interludes, signing, narration, and of course my favorite dance. In a short summary Riverdance tells the story and history of Ireland through its "lifetime" beginning with the immigration of numerous cultures to the island of Ireland, through the potato famine, the immigration to the united states, and then the return to the home land. In essence it also talks about culture and how most culture have a deep history and commitment to the land on which it was created, and how in many aspects it all starts with a connection to the river.

After reading the information I found at this helpful site. I really understood the whole performance and feel that I left not only entertained but also educated.

Its a shame that this travelling performance will be ending but I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to see it live. To understand Riverdance please feel free to read this links analysis of the show

I also wanted to comment on the young man who sat next to me at the show. So sophisticated he was, he entered the theatre with his mother dressed to the nines. He had a full tux on and even carried a small white scarf which he elegantly draped over his shoulders. Now that is what I remember a trip to the theatre meant. Getting a good meal, dressed up, and enjoying amazing performances. It brought a smile to my face and reminded me of younger days at the theatre with my grandmother Joan.

If you have the chance to see the show, go.....until then I'll wait till the next performance rolls through.

Peace and Love.