When I returned home from my walk of reflection I decided to put the good thoughts out there. I am a very talented experienced dance educator and performer....I need to do what makes me happy. So to the web I went, googling dance studios in the Madison area and also positions that could possibly be open. I told myself "You will find a job tonight"....low and be hold my thoughts became things (well lets not jump to conclusions...I haven't actually gotten the job yet) but to say the least a job perfect for me was sitting there waiting for my response.
I emailed out my very extensive and may I brag impressive dance resume to A step above dance and music academy. This morning I received a reply. The director was impressed with my resume and wanted to schedule an interview right away.
I can't express the excitement that I have for this opportunity. I hope that after the interview the director feels that I will be the ideal candidate for the position and offers me a teacher role within her academy.....of course...there are details to be discussed such as compensation, hours, etc...the big one (benefits). I will sacrifice no health benefits and seek out individual coverage should the price and hours be right...there is a lot to consider such as vacation time etc. However I really want to get involved with teaching and dancing everyday again. I feel that I am most happy when I can do so. Not to mention it is a great opportunity to get my name out in the arts community in this area which is so new to me.
I will continue working at my dreaded underpaid job of course, and will eventually some day approach the president about the much needed raise, however this is a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of me preparing for the need for another job.
It really is true...Thoughts become things....CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES! (we waste to much time and energy on the bad ones and become disappointed when the bad "ones" keep happening to us)
Get to thinking....and choose wisely
oh yeah (wish me luck)
***for your viewing pleasure....please enjoy below photo of my dance team from New Hampshire...I coached them for four years, our last year left us with 3 first place regional titles, two grand champion titles...and of course 2007 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS**

If your compensation package is big enough, you can buy health insurance independently AND if you're 1099'd your income, the insurance becomes tax deductible. So before you turn down a job because there are no benefits...let me know, but there ARE unseen benefits in many situations, that most people don't recognize. Trust me...you know I know these things!
I don't know what I would do without you----thank you so much!
I am crossing my fingers for you Dancer! I hope you get the position and you get to have a job you love which sometimes outweighs the salary. Things are difficult in this economy but you should not stay in a position where you are underappreciated, underpaid and unhappy. And I believe that quote to be true and I throw it out there as much as possible, most of the time it works too!
Good luck and chat soon.
Unlike most people,you found yourself in an unhappy situation and did something about it.Most peole will stay with what they have out of fear of the unknown.
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