Saturday, May 9, 2009

Can't get any easier---

Happy Saturday evening readers. Today we had our morning performance show dress rehearsal at the dance studio with all of our younger students. I have to tell you how absolutely adorable it is to see our young dancers so proud of their costumes and ready to perform. Putting the costumes on really enhances their dancing and their stage presence.

I have to say that during my ten odd years of teaching dance I have never seen a more organized rehearsal. Everything is planned out and the parents are so informed that it would be hard for any detail to be overlook....that of course except for the parents who choose to ignore the obvious and who haven't in their 30-some odd years learned to read and really plan.

Back in November we handed out a very detailed information package to all our students which clearly outlined every rehearsal what the students needed to bring, where they needed to be and when....yet there was s till the students who arrived late, un-prepared, or not even at all.

We as instructors go over numerous times with our students, and the parents what is needed etc. This studio is so organized they even hand out a sheet to their students which explains exactly what needs to be done for the hair and make-up of each student for each dance, however you would be surprised how many people came with hair that was not correct, forgotten accessories, and the best---no make up at all. But in the true organized fashion we teachers and the awesome front desk managers got each student ready in time and had a pretty successful rehearsal.

I guess my real point in this rant is that I really don't understand how any detail could be over looked, and I'm surprised that people who are given so much information really don't utilize what they are given. I wish that when I was young I had all the information ready for me for performances. I feel that these students really get a full experience from us as far as education in dance and performance. I am proud to be a part of the faculty at AStepAbove and feel that my skills as a teacher have been enhanced by working there.

I have to say also a little rant that we even give our students written evaluations each year which help them understand their strengths and areas that need additional work and focus. This assists the students in understanding their accomplishments and also assists in them setting their goals. However like anything positive we try to provide from our students there are always parents and students who feel that something is "unfair" or "incorrect" what these complaining persons fail to understand is that all of us who teach at ASA are dance degreed individuals who have dedicated their college education and careers to teaching dance and are extremely competent in all that we do.

I had a negative experience with my Hip Hop class on Friday. As when our students receive their evaluations they also receive their "placement" for next year---meaning which level they will be in. Well I had some unhappy students as they were not moved up to the next level. Technically and ability wise they are not ready to move into the next level and I know that I am correct in my decisions to keep them where they are with the possibility of moving up should they take summer classes, or show more improvement within the first few weeks of classes in the fall. Anyway I had to sit my students down as I had one walk out of the room because she was upset about an adjustment to a formation change because of an unexpected injury and inability to perform in the recital. I think that the reaction to the adjustment was fueled by the placement issue and the adjustment kinda just wore on her. But in the end after explaining to the students the placement decisions (even though this was all covered in Feb) they seemed to understand a little better and in the end gave me a hug because it was our last class.

All in all I have to say that ease in which ASA provides information and assistance in all that we do we provides a great service to our students and our parents. I hope that they realize how much we enjoy being a part of their students dance education and also how much that Tami the director does for them. In short preparing their child for a performance can't get any easier at A Step Above.

1 comment:

TheWeyrd1 said...

Sounds like you're doing a great job and the kids will benefit from your instruction in the long run!