Friday, August 7, 2009

The Birthday Approaches

Well Folks, I am on the eve of my 27th birthday----yup I can't believe it either. I am excited because I'm looking at it as a new beginning another year ready to make the best of it. I have so much to look forward to. Next week we have dance camp and I'm so excited to start working with the students I really can't wait. Then we have girls weekend away with two of my most favorite ladies around!!!!

Its funny in my last post I made large comments about choosing your good thoughts and my friends its amazing how trying to stay positive really just make life seem ok. I haven't found another part time job yet but I'm thinking the right one just isn't ready to find me yet. It will come in time.

I am sitting at home in front of my lap top and large pad of paper trying to get some choreography set for dance camp next week and I think I'm to excited about my birthday to do it. I feel like a little kid you know getting excited before Christmas or a big vacation.

No huge plans for this birthday, just an early afternoon massage then dinner with some great friends. This may be my first actual birthday party ever...having summer birthday's is often hard because of every ones crazy schedules.

I hope everyone had a great week and they are soaking up the sun as much as they can as the summers end is rapidly approaching.

Until next time readers-----

1 comment:

TheWeyrd1 said...

I so gotta start in with the good thoughts thing...and quick. I feel like I'm circling the drain one day and the next day I feel like I got a stay of execution.