Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Measure your life in Love.....

well my friends it has been a sad week. I have to report that sadly, two close people to me have passed in automobile accidents back home in New Hampshire.

Its hard to be this far away from all of my loved ones from back home and not be able to hold them in their time of mourning, however its time like this that I am reminded how precious and fragile all of our lives are.

I first met Liz at the age of 7 when I was assistant teaching her ballet class. A little blonde girl with big blue eyes entered and right away introduced herself to me. She was new to the studio but wasted no time in letting us all know her name and making friends. I continued to teach Liz throughout my time at the studio. The other day I got the message that she had passed in an automobile accident. Liz was only 19 years old, and had just finished her freshmen year of college at Arizona State University. Its so sad because she was so talented and so charming, she had a beautiful future in front of her. And I have to say the first image that popped into my head was Liz dancing a ballet solo that I had helped choreograph during my last year at the studio, I can still see her smile and how beautiful she looked on stage, it was as if I was watching this memory on the tv.

Liz will always be missed, and always remembered for she truly touched many lives during her short time with us.

Doug Bashshaw was a very close friend of the family, known to all of us as Uncle Doug. He was my dads best man my parents wedding, he was my brothers god father, and my cousins god father. He always brought a smile to your face whenever you saw him and gave the best hugs. His humor could make you laugh even at your most down point. Dough was in a motorcycle accident the other night and passed this afternoon. It's hard for me to hear that my family is mourning and I can't be there to offer hugs.

Loosing someone is never easy, its the hardest part of life I think. We don't know the words to say, what to do, or sometimes how to let go. Its never easy for anyone, and unfortunately its something we all have to go through. When we remember our passed loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances....remember their smile, their laughter, the sparkle in their eyes. Remember each minute of their life as a moment of love. Like the song from rent says we can measure our lives in lots of things, sunsets, cups of coffee, inches, miles, laughter, but most important measure in love. Because love is something we can all give away freely and openly.

I hope that everyone gives a hug for just a second longer then normal, stays on the phone for a couple minutes more, and emails just to check in as often as they can. Because there is no gift like today and that's why it is called the present.

1 comment:

TheWeyrd1 said...

J...I'm so sorry about your losses. I'd hug Tucker right now, but he's racing around the living room with his pal (the microwavable bed buddy thing)...