Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You Can't Stop The Beat----

Well my faithful reader(s) (I think I've dwindled down to a single reader now....

Anyway I decided it would be fun to put a play list of some of my favorite tunes on here for your listening pleasure (hopefully its not too distracting)

Well for an update. I start teaching next week and am so excited. Dance camp was a success and really motivated me for the year. We had our first faculty meeting this Monday and even began initial planning for the spring performance.

My "day" job is going OK, its not what I want it to be but I am determined to make the best of it.

The wedding is only about a month away, and everyone is booking their flights, rooms, and rental cars. I'm getting very excited.

As the seasons get ready to change and we say goodbye to, what to me seemed like the shortest summer in history, I anticipate a beautiful fall. Its my favorite time of year and will be my second fall in WI. I do miss my hills of NH and VT that engulf in flame like colors during the peek leaf peeping season but its OK because NH will be coming to me this fall. :o)

I hope everyone is still trying to play the glad game and is enjoying these last few lazy days of summer to the fullest.

PS the play list is at the bottom of my page...happy listening :o)


TheWeyrd1 said...

Nice selections!

yenbar said...

HEY HEY HEY!!!! Don't forget about me!..if you'd post more than once a month,I'd pop in more
Sounds like you have alot of fun ahead of you!..I do like your music selections.
Let us know if Weyrd gets crazy and dances on any table tops at your wedding reception..and of course get some pictures of it!(HI WEYRD!)