Monday, July 7, 2008

Disapointment Cocktail Anyone?

Well today my readers I write to you with news that I unfortunately, foolishly, hoped would be better then, well....we all knew it would be.

Today after our usual Monday morning staff meeting I decided to request again a meeting with the "bosses" for a discussion on the increase I was promised in JUNE!!! (mind you its the 2ND week of July folks) and to my surprise, my request was granted at 11:15 am this morning---however the .94 cents that they offered me (making the increase a minuscule 1.40 with a "promotion") This increase was delivered as a "favor" as the company's financials are not in a stable condition to be "handing out raises"

I am astonished that I actually believed this increase and review would be positive. With my newly sparked anger I decided it would be best to calm myself down before communicating my frustrations and disappointment to my "boss"...who as always delivered a tony winning performance into why I have to accept this is what I was offered and that it is a personal choice whether I stay or go....

I guess that naive girl in me honestly believed that I would be paid what I deserved to be paid and that my hard work and numerous hours of overtime would be compensated and acknowledged.

However I will take this situation as another life lesson learned...the age old saying "the rich get richer and the poor poorer" is so true within this company. I am fighting for a losing battle that I believe can not ever be turned around.

There is one poison within that company (which a dear friend and reader has pointed out all along) and until that piousness individual is gone, the rest of the staff will not be happy---constant turnover will continue to occur....and eventually a lawsuit will fall on their hands.

So tonight as I lie in bed and listen to the booming thunder outside my window---I poor myself a glass of my favorite wine and have decided its OK to have a cocktail on a Monday---because I've named this cocktail a disappointment cocktail--anyone care to join me?


TheWeyrd1 said...

sorry about your what flavor wine are we having?

Jdancer8 said...

Reisling---from a local vinyard

yenbar said...

These jerks are going to use you as long as they can until you have had it and move on..then you know they will magically come up with some enticement to try and hold on to you.It will be their loss and someone else's gain..why is it that the hard workers don't always get the recognition they deserve and by recognition, I mean raises. Plaques and gifts don't pay the bills.LOL
Keep us posted!