Monday, June 2, 2008

Holy SUN Batman!

Well my faithful is my thought for the day.....


This weekend me and my lovey lady went to the Wisconsin Dells to relax for her birthday. Got us a lovely room with a giant whirlpool in the room and a romantical I know...well we also thought it would be a great way to end the weekend and visit NOAHS ARK...the country's "LARGEST WATERPARK"....Invited some of our friends and made a day of it...

Cant complain about the weather it was perfect, and can't complain about the crowded because I think the most we waited in line for a ride was about 4.62 minutes. It really was the perfect day.

Being the mom that I am I am adimate that EVERYONE put sunscreen on 30 minutes before exposure to the sun to make sure our base sunblock coat is on. Not to mention I carry with me at all times in the summer a large tube of SPF 50...Ultra Sweat/Water Proof. This lovely bottle has seen me through some great summers and I haven't been burned in many years...however it does not compete against a day at the water park.

I am completely sun burned from head...down to my toes...yes folks my toes are sunburned. Its not a deep sunburn thank god (I've had a couple of those in my life..) but gosh it still hurts.

I had to teach dance today (which my friends was AMAZING the class was so happy at the end and kept saying thank you and they can't wait to take class with me this fall) but daaaaang it hurts to wear a leotard when you have a sunburn.....

Listen guys...I know that everyone says "I don't burn" or "I wont be out there long" Cover up...wear a hat...use sun block.....the sun is NOT our friends...we have damaged our earth and I'm convinced this sunburn is my punishment for not recycling lately......


Have a great week....let me know if you find an SPF 100 ;o)


TheWeyrd1 said...

I think you're lucky to SPF 50. I'm hoping it's a new tube though. Those tubes of sunblock do degrade and fail to do their job. Not sure for sure, but I think you're supposed to get a new tube once a year for maximum effectiveness.

Congrats on the success of your first class!

yenbar said...

Let's see..your soon-to-be wife..a room with a whirlpool,a balcony...all the romantic settings you could want..and you are out at the waterpark with friends?...the sunburn is your punishment for not taking advantage of the romantic opportunity with your birthday girl!

Jdancer8 said...
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Jdancer8 said...

Oh we utilized the room...we had checked out of the hotel before we went to the waterpark....:o)