Well readers, you all know I have openly confessed my love for reality TV here in my little blog, however sometimes I think it just gets stretched to far.
Prior to starting this little blog I had tried my hand out on one called Reality Bites----I watched a reality show and blogged about it following the episode---my first blog was about the new wave of "Love Connection" shows that are springing up every couple of months, mainly out of VH1.
As I was reviewing my tweets this morning I stumbled across a tweet from AfterEllen and had a good laugh right here in the middle of my office.
VH1 started out with a rather commercial rendition on love shows when they premiered Flavor of Love---really who would want to fall in love with that?---didn't he do a behind the scenes special where he cashed a well-fare check? Then it was a huge snow ball effect from there, not only did we get a season 2 out of it but then we met the lovely New York who had her two shows trying to find love, then another trying to find a job....The list continues my friends, and it only gets cheesier and more corrupt from there.
Out of no where came a tiny female who was searching for "A Shot At Love" the twist she was bi-sexual---We were introduced to Tila Tequila and from there became hooked (lets face it open hot lesbian make outs on prime time television is a reason to watch for anyone) of course in the end stupid Tila picked a guy, in stead of cute, nice, and personable Dani (female) she then of course gets a second round at it and AGAIN picks wrong and chooses the guy---Seriously Lisa was H-O-T-T.
Continuing on in true VH1 fashion (I mean they have got to be getting ratings they keep making more right?) We get Brett Michaels, we all know him, we all loved him (those of us that grew up to our moms listening to hair bands like myself) he decides he wants to find his Rock-of-Love...well folks he gets three swings at it, the final one ending on a tour bus, and ding ding ding, one of his rejects gets her own show, which I will let you know I will NOT watch.
Now that I've digressed far to much, back to the AfterEllen Tweet----Now I feel that VH1 may have hit rock bottom. They have offered to do another spin-off of "A Shot at Love" and this time make it based around a HUGE MTV has-been Aubrey O'Day. Lets face it lady, if Diddy doesn't want you leave the business. I think that the AfterEllen blog pretty much covered the bases as to why she is doing this show, she needs another 15 minutes of fame. I just can't understand how someone who was talented and humble in the beginning became so far out there.
I'm not sure that I can really recommend this show to anyone to watch, so instead this is my time to warn you about a horrible upcoming bit of reality that people will try to get us to watch. Lets not and say we did, we all know we can catch the gossip on the blogs and twitter...I'm hoping that the ratings go down and we are no longer going to be exposed to this kinda desperate behavior at becoming the next big thing.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
...it's coming to an end
Sadly my friends my favorite Bravo series is coming to an end soon. Real Housewives of NYC will be airing its last episode this season next week and of course its said to be jammed packed with drama....and then of course there is the reunion special....coming soon
Being extra interested in expanding my knowledge of social media and also online facets of entertainment information I became extremely involved in Twitter, and of course the reading of other blogs. . . . Among those blogs I have become hooked on Jill Zarin's from RHWoNYC and Bethenny Frankel (same show) They are funny and witty , and I enjoy reading their reactions to each of the episodes as they air. I also follow them on Twitter and love hearing all the interesting things they are doing.
When I got home today after spending way to much at the local grocery store (yes its cheaper to shop at Walmart in Madison but that would mean I have to tackle the Beltline on a day that I don't need to go on it so I opted for the over priced store here in town) I got all my house duties done and curled up on the couch with the kitties and snapped on Bravo to YESSSS catch the latest episode which I missed on Tuesday...
In a nutshell this episode I have to say was the most confusing...do we really care about Alex & Simon's renovation...was I the only one that noticed the only people who were there was the other cast members?-----Then there is awkward and (why is she on the show again) Kelly interaction...she shows up early (was this because she wanted to redeem herself from her extremely late arrival to her own party from the last episode?) and acts as if she really cares about Alex & Simon.
Any who---the real issue this episode is will Bethenny (my home girl) and Kelly ever get along. The answer is NO. Kelly really shows how immature she is when she clearly denies saying RUDE things to Bethenny (ummm hello they have footage of what you said you ignoramus) Its funny to watch how these women behave...but we have to be honest viewers as much as we think its immature and yet funny, we all act this way---they just have a camera crew to tape every moment of their lives.
I like this show, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Its fun to watch other people have problems, but I have to say its also fun because we've had the chance to watch other people be successful...Bethenny Frankels book NaturallyThin is still on NYC bestsellers list and we've really watched her company and entrepreneurial investments pay off. It is showing that hard work can pay off....and shes being smart...free advertising for a show your getting paid to do---wise women...watch and learn folks.
She's not the only one who is cashing in. Jill's definitely got lots of airtime for her and her husbands fabric business ZarinFabrics, Jeana from the OC cast is selling diet stuff, Ramona from NYC is selling Jewelery, The Countess a book for her self....is there anything these women can't sell? I think I'm in the wrong business....I just need to convince Bravo to do Real Housewives of the Midwest-----who wants to help me write my pitch ?
Well anyway, if you haven't had the chance to get to know the Bravo ladies of RHWoNYC there will be a marathon on Saturday so catch up on them...come on you know you want to escape your reality...so why not indulge and maybe get lost in someone else's.....
Hope you all have a great rest of the week....Busy month coming up...dance recital, nannies surgery, Tami's wedding---then comes summer :o)
Being extra interested in expanding my knowledge of social media and also online facets of entertainment information I became extremely involved in Twitter, and of course the reading of other blogs. . . . Among those blogs I have become hooked on Jill Zarin's from RHWoNYC and Bethenny Frankel (same show) They are funny and witty , and I enjoy reading their reactions to each of the episodes as they air. I also follow them on Twitter and love hearing all the interesting things they are doing.
When I got home today after spending way to much at the local grocery store (yes its cheaper to shop at Walmart in Madison but that would mean I have to tackle the Beltline on a day that I don't need to go on it so I opted for the over priced store here in town) I got all my house duties done and curled up on the couch with the kitties and snapped on Bravo to YESSSS catch the latest episode which I missed on Tuesday...
In a nutshell this episode I have to say was the most confusing...do we really care about Alex & Simon's renovation...was I the only one that noticed the only people who were there was the other cast members?-----Then there is awkward and (why is she on the show again) Kelly interaction...she shows up early (was this because she wanted to redeem herself from her extremely late arrival to her own party from the last episode?) and acts as if she really cares about Alex & Simon.
Any who---the real issue this episode is will Bethenny (my home girl) and Kelly ever get along. The answer is NO. Kelly really shows how immature she is when she clearly denies saying RUDE things to Bethenny (ummm hello they have footage of what you said you ignoramus) Its funny to watch how these women behave...but we have to be honest viewers as much as we think its immature and yet funny, we all act this way---they just have a camera crew to tape every moment of their lives.
I like this show, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Its fun to watch other people have problems, but I have to say its also fun because we've had the chance to watch other people be successful...Bethenny Frankels book NaturallyThin is still on NYC bestsellers list and we've really watched her company and entrepreneurial investments pay off. It is showing that hard work can pay off....and shes being smart...free advertising for a show your getting paid to do---wise women...watch and learn folks.
She's not the only one who is cashing in. Jill's definitely got lots of airtime for her and her husbands fabric business ZarinFabrics, Jeana from the OC cast is selling diet stuff, Ramona from NYC is selling Jewelery, The Countess a book for her self....is there anything these women can't sell? I think I'm in the wrong business....I just need to convince Bravo to do Real Housewives of the Midwest-----who wants to help me write my pitch ?
Well anyway, if you haven't had the chance to get to know the Bravo ladies of RHWoNYC there will be a marathon on Saturday so catch up on them...come on you know you want to escape your reality...so why not indulge and maybe get lost in someone else's.....
Hope you all have a great rest of the week....Busy month coming up...dance recital, nannies surgery, Tami's wedding---then comes summer :o)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Real Housewives of New Jersey

As If I need one more show to consume my life full of reality bites----Bravo has done it again and as People has outline for us in their first look at Bravos new addition of its "Real Housewives Drama-tology" it seems that this group of ladies will delight us with more outrageous behavior and "do they really live like this moments"
As I sat at home today on Easter Sunday of course I tuned to my favorite marathon channel Bravo and was excited to catch the end of the RHWo Orange County--(I missed the final episode) and was even more excited to see that I got the chance to catch the sneak peak at their new spin off the "New Jersey" wives.
As in true Bravo Fashion the episode began outlining each housewife and their "stories" giving us a teaser glance into their worlds.
As each girl was introduced throughout this episode I was so confused...did they really just say that sisters married brothers? Is that legal---how do you explain that to your friends yeah were' sisters and we married brothers---I thought that stuff only happened in backwards southern states. Then to throw another "sister" in the pack there is a housewife who married the two sisters brother---I'm thinking Bravo should have named this a completely different show like Family Ties or something (oh wait that show title was already used years ago oooh well)
The houses are extravagant, the drama is over the top and the cars are out of this world.
I have to say that this one may have to grow on me but I'm just not into the ladies at this time...They are a little to "wanna-be-ish" for me. Its like they are trying to be very much something that they are not...but I think its cause I'm bias with the New York ladies---maybe its cause I relate to them more as that is where my roots are from or maybe its because I have never really had positive experiences in Jersey myself.
Many articles and blogs have been written about this season for the Jersey ladies its been noted on the jokes such as the "big hair" "arm pit of the united states" etc etc....So I can't be original or witty when others have already taken the obvious punch line jokes--- but what I will say is we will be enjoying family feuds, Crazy purchases, and of course back-stabbing conversations between grow women living in fantasy worlds that of course we are glorifying by tuning in.
I just can't help it---its addicting. I know that I eventually I will be watching and following these gals as well but for now take a Sneakpeak at the show and let me know what you think. Of course my editor will probably roll her eyes and refuse to tune in, I'd like to think we could all escape from our realities and enjoy a little time in "reality TV land" to just be distracted for a while....Happy watching and tune in later this week when I do a recap of RHWoNYC...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Guilty pleasure that I enjoy
As many of you know I have a very serious addiction to reality TV...many of my readers including my editor (cough cough do not quit) do not like reality TV...but my friends what a better way to escape from the hustle and bustle of our real lives then watch as other display their "real lives" on national TV?
I have to say there is a wide variety of them out there from modern day love connection shows, to weight loss shows, dance competitions, cooking competitions...you name it its out there...I will be trying to comment on many of them through out my blogging extravaganzas but you will notice the shows that I care for more or find more entertaining will be mentioned more then once.
I have to tell you that one lazy day as the snow fell outside my little WI apartment window I flicked to bravo and saw a TV show called The Real Housewives of Orange County...in true and absolute boredom I watched the entire marathon..I met the wives (characters) and got engrossed with their "real" lives...I laughed at their petty hardships and also their often anti-climatic fights. I welcome you to learn their stories at the Bravo Website.
Well as my days pass by I find myself being addicted to this little series that bravo has created and found that I truly like the NYC edition of this show. The ladies are funny, dramatic, and remind me obviously of my roots (as I am east "coastie" as my cheese head friends are now referring to me as) Jill and Bethenny remind me of me and an old friend, and I can relate to their characters ( I wish I could relate to their bank accounts) I have enjoyed this particular addition to the Bravo series so much that I have begun following the blogs of both Jill and Bethenny and offer them to you for review. Jillsblog is here please check it out. Shes hilarious opinionated and I enjoy her rants about the happenings of the show during her live blog. Bethenny caught my attention with her skinny girl margarita ( a girl after my own hear to create a cocktail line for those watching their figure) Bethenny is a character and I love her--she is out-spoken and loves attention :o) I love her book (yes I bought it) and I think others should check out her amazing recipes at her Website
Needless to say I have to give the Real Housewives a couple of stars on my reality show to watch meter...
However I have to say I don't really know if I'm going to enjoy the New Jersey series---its just gonna be a bunch of ladies wishing they lived in NYC (my personal opinion)
Well now that I've given you a minor, (extremely minor) run down on the different types of shows I'll be reviewing I hope you come back and really help me decipher reflections from reality on a weekly basis :o)
I have to say there is a wide variety of them out there from modern day love connection shows, to weight loss shows, dance competitions, cooking competitions...you name it its out there...I will be trying to comment on many of them through out my blogging extravaganzas but you will notice the shows that I care for more or find more entertaining will be mentioned more then once.
I have to tell you that one lazy day as the snow fell outside my little WI apartment window I flicked to bravo and saw a TV show called The Real Housewives of Orange County...in true and absolute boredom I watched the entire marathon..I met the wives (characters) and got engrossed with their "real" lives...I laughed at their petty hardships and also their often anti-climatic fights. I welcome you to learn their stories at the Bravo Website.
Well as my days pass by I find myself being addicted to this little series that bravo has created and found that I truly like the NYC edition of this show. The ladies are funny, dramatic, and remind me obviously of my roots (as I am east "coastie" as my cheese head friends are now referring to me as) Jill and Bethenny remind me of me and an old friend, and I can relate to their characters ( I wish I could relate to their bank accounts) I have enjoyed this particular addition to the Bravo series so much that I have begun following the blogs of both Jill and Bethenny and offer them to you for review. Jillsblog is here please check it out. Shes hilarious opinionated and I enjoy her rants about the happenings of the show during her live blog. Bethenny caught my attention with her skinny girl margarita ( a girl after my own hear to create a cocktail line for those watching their figure) Bethenny is a character and I love her--she is out-spoken and loves attention :o) I love her book (yes I bought it) and I think others should check out her amazing recipes at her Website
Needless to say I have to give the Real Housewives a couple of stars on my reality show to watch meter...
However I have to say I don't really know if I'm going to enjoy the New Jersey series---its just gonna be a bunch of ladies wishing they lived in NYC (my personal opinion)
Well now that I've given you a minor, (extremely minor) run down on the different types of shows I'll be reviewing I hope you come back and really help me decipher reflections from reality on a weekly basis :o)
Friday, April 3, 2009
A Change In Pace----Makes work a happy place
As many of you know---I had a boss....this boss was poisoness---she was a horrible manager--with a lack for detail, communication skills, and of course a horrible lack of business sense...
Once upon a time I searched daily the online job markets searching for the opportunity to leave the job I had, anything would be better then the stress and horrible working conditions between supervisors I endured everyday as the days creeped by and I suffered from slight anxiety about walking into my office...And one day after the 500Th resume was emailed out I received a phone call for an interview. I was pumped...SCORE an opportunity to flee....My friend, and partner in crime was leaving the company and this interview came at just the perfect time...
Needless to say excited about the interview I entered our weekly staff meeting only to hear that Julie--the boss with no clue was leaving. Was this a joke, could it be true...this is amazing GREAT SUPER....do I go to the interview?---You bet I did...never miss an opportunity...at least try and see if it was meant to be.
I went to the interview, however did not get the job. I am a true and firm believer that everything does happen for a reason and let me tell you the changes that took place finally made the company that I have really put my heart and soul into come alive. We've completely begun moving forward . We got a new VP who is laid back, yet professional, educated---and willing to educate...and also very approachable..work life is GREAT!!!! Finally a normal working atmosphere....
Things have moved right along at the dance studio---I am meeting with the owner/director and will be possibly begin a full time salaried position with the dance company---all good things come to those who wait...there was definitely a reason that I did not get the other job that I interviewed with...Things have begun really going for me...I'm happy, I'm creative...and I feel confident in what I spend my time doing everyday....Keep your fingers crossed for a full time dance position---for then I will be truly living my dream :o)
Once upon a time I searched daily the online job markets searching for the opportunity to leave the job I had, anything would be better then the stress and horrible working conditions between supervisors I endured everyday as the days creeped by and I suffered from slight anxiety about walking into my office...And one day after the 500Th resume was emailed out I received a phone call for an interview. I was pumped...SCORE an opportunity to flee....My friend, and partner in crime was leaving the company and this interview came at just the perfect time...
Needless to say excited about the interview I entered our weekly staff meeting only to hear that Julie--the boss with no clue was leaving. Was this a joke, could it be true...this is amazing GREAT SUPER....do I go to the interview?---You bet I did...never miss an opportunity...at least try and see if it was meant to be.
I went to the interview, however did not get the job. I am a true and firm believer that everything does happen for a reason and let me tell you the changes that took place finally made the company that I have really put my heart and soul into come alive. We've completely begun moving forward . We got a new VP who is laid back, yet professional, educated---and willing to educate...and also very approachable..work life is GREAT!!!! Finally a normal working atmosphere....
Things have moved right along at the dance studio---I am meeting with the owner/director and will be possibly begin a full time salaried position with the dance company---all good things come to those who wait...there was definitely a reason that I did not get the other job that I interviewed with...Things have begun really going for me...I'm happy, I'm creative...and I feel confident in what I spend my time doing everyday....Keep your fingers crossed for a full time dance position---for then I will be truly living my dream :o)
The News No One Wants

Hello My Blogging Buddies...As promised here come some blogs.
Well the last Actual blog I wrote was after one of the happiest days of my life. My wedding....it has been a great joy and blessing being united with my love...I was lucky to have all my friends and family there especially my Nannie.
Nannie is my mum's mum and probably the most important person in my life. We knew something was wrong because she wasn't herself or up to par when she visited but in true queen fashion she made the trip to share in my special day. Shortly after her visit to the Midwest she went to see the doctor again for ailments that had been troubling her for months.
The bad news came the day before thanksgiving....the big C----Cancer....now Cancer is a hard thing to swallow for anyone at anytime...however the C word came with a nasty stage level and hers was the worst one---surgery not an option...talk about a one two punch.
Thanksgiving was hard for me and the months to follow not so easy either. Taking my savings for Christmas gifts I booked a flight right away for home for the holidays...I needed to be with her. I spent the day after Christmas through new years eve with my Nannie and really just enjoyed some quality time with her.
She has been going through her Chemo treatments and last week it was discovered that the treatments had little effect on the masses. She is no going through a course of tests to see if she is physically ready for surgery. We're patiently crossing our fingers and keeping her spirits up.
Its hard being away from your family, but its especially hard when you want to be there for them through a tough time.
I talk to my Nannie everyday and wish everyday I had enough money to visit her once a month.
She finally got her wig the other day and let me tell you this little sassy Brit looks stunning. (shes up top)
I am a firm believer that she is to strong not to beat this. Her spirits are high and shes attacking it full force. Its very hard for her not to----I don't allow her to be negative.
I know that cancer effects thousands....millions each day...and its not getting any easier to cure..to deal with...to live with...however it is here and we can't ignore it. I have been blessed with an amazing family, compassionate co-workers, and supportive friends...and The love and strength that they have offered to my Nannie is amazing...they need to know that a huge part of her healing and battle is being fought because of their thoughts and strength and I am forever grateful to them. . . .
I'll keep everyone posted on Nannies progress...for now shes strutting about in that fabulous new do, making tea, and learning to slow down and do nothing once in a while :o)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'll be back I Promise!!!
Hello my faithful readers (do you still exist or did I loose you completely)
Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow I plan on updating both of my blogs---yes I have two that I have so hurtfully ignored for the past several months.
Friday night and its just me, a bottle of wine and my lap top---sounds fun doesn't it...:o)
Come back for your reading pleasure I have lots to share and lots to gush my feelings about....
Happy Thursday all
Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow I plan on updating both of my blogs---yes I have two that I have so hurtfully ignored for the past several months.
Friday night and its just me, a bottle of wine and my lap top---sounds fun doesn't it...:o)
Come back for your reading pleasure I have lots to share and lots to gush my feelings about....
Happy Thursday all
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